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Reference values and quality criteria for biodiversity in settlement areas


The potential for promoting biodiversity in urban areas is great, and the willingness of actors to get involved is increasing. In order to be able to do this, planners, developers and municipalities need - in addition to knowledge and legal foundations - well-supported and practicable benchmarks for biodiversity that can be easily and efficiently integrated into spatial instruments and processes. Such benchmarks and quality criteria exist for different spatial levels and building contexts in Switzerland and other countries. They are to be compiled and evaluated in a report and recommendations regarding their integration into spatially relevant processes and instruments are to be derived.

Key Data


Nathalie Baumann, Dr. Danièle Martinoli

Deputy Projectlead

Project team

Dr. Manuela Di Giulio, Vanessa Strebel, Erich Stutz, Tobias Wildhaber

Project partners

Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz SCNAT / Forum Biodiversität Schweiz; Natur Umwelt Wissen GmbH

Project status

completed, 04/2023 - 04/2024

Funding partner

Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU; Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz SCNAT