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Nutrition and health goal-oriented mobile application


Find Secrets offers a scientifically consolidated source of information on all types of food, including their ingredients (micro, macro, and secondary plant-based compounds), through its mobile application "Food Secrets - Nutrition 4.0" and its integrated tools. Additionally, the app provides users with the ability to generate personalized dietary plans and recipe suggestions to achieve specific goals, such as cancer prevention, immune system strengthening, allergy management, muscle building, etc. The primary goal of the prestudy is to improve the health of our population by promoting better nutrition and reducing healthcare costs. In line with the Lean Start-Up methodology, which emphasizes continuous feedback loops for materializing ideas, collecting, and analyzing data, and learning from them, we aim to approach the next steps in the development process with scientific rigor to increase our Product-Market-Fit (PMF). Our already-built Minimum-Viable-Product in app form will be tested for market acceptance and potential extensions to further improve PMF. The flexibility of our backend system allows us to quickly incorporate new insights from current studies and this preliminary research into our application.

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Project partners

Find Secrets

Project status

completed, 06/2023 - 12/2023

Funding partner

Innovationsscheck / Projekt Nr. 66945.1 INNO-ICT