AI for automatisation of administration und detection of criminal activities in emissions trading
The aim of the project is to investigate the possibilities of AI methods for identifying errors and attempted fraud in emissions trading. Based on historical data, this will be examined separately for applications to open accounts in the German Emissions Registry and for allocation or emissions reports. In a third step, it will be examined whether AI approaches can also be used to prevent money laundering.
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Regina Betz, Jakob Graichen
Deputy Projectlead
Raphaela Kotsch, Nora Wissner
Project team
Dr. Johanna Cludius, Prof. Dr. Manuel Günther, Christian Winger
Project partners
Öko-Institut e.V.; Universität Zürich
Project status
completed, 01/2023 - 12/2024
Funding partner
Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle DEHSt
Project budget
47'500 CHF