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Development of PEF/PET-starch hydrogels for Thai shrimp farms wastewater treatment

Development of PEF- and PET-hydrogels with further biopolymers for Thai shrimp farms wastewater treatment through chemical recycling.


The objectives of this project are to focus on the development of novel PEF and furan-based hydrogels, and the conversion of PET waste (e.g., quality or low-quality grades not suitable for bottle industry) into biodegradable hydrogels by forming crosslinked networks with natural-based polymers.

The developed hydrogels will be used for the treatment of wastewater (dyes, heavy metals, antibiotics, etc.) from shrimp farming and aquaculture in general, which is a persistent environmental problem in Thailand, being the major producer of farmed shrimp.

Key Data


Dr. Simon Timothy Cerqua, Prof. Sirinya Chantarak (Prince of Songkla University)

Project team

Project partners

Prince of Songkla University

Project status

ongoing, started 09/2024

Funding partner

Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI

Project budget

25'000 CHF