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Study on semi-automatic poster cataloguing at the Swiss National Library (SemPla)

Numerous new posters and bills arrive daily at the Swiss National Library to be added to its catalogue. How can the process of poster cataloguing be enhanced by current AI systems?


The goal of this project is to prepare a product and situation study on the state of the art for implementing (semi-)automatic poster cataloguing solutions using suitable solutions and tools for the Swiss National Library (NL) and the Bibliothèque de Genève (BGE). This includes creating an overview of the possible solutions and evaluating them with the aim of making a recommendation for the most suitable software or application or its provider and estimating the costs to be expected for realisation and operation.

Key Data

Project team

Dr. Ahmed Abdulkadir, Raphael Emberger

Project status

completed, 05/2024 - 11/2024

Funding partner

Bundesamt für Kultur BAK

Project budget

20'000 CHF