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Aviation Research Ecosystem Advanced Novel Approach (AREANA )

Creating a Path towards a more Sustainable Aviation Future while ensuring European Competitiveness. This initiative was launched by well known Europen Research Organisations such as VZLU, DLR, ILOT, AV, NLR, CIRA, FFG, INCAS, EASN TIS, LKR, ASSOCIACAO, IPR, PAE


The EU Horizon Europe project entitled ‘Aviation Research Ecosystem Advanced Novel Approach’ aims to improve the ‘ecosystem’ of European aviation research through three measures:

  1. coordination of funding programmes for aviation throughout Europe,
  2. broad marketing of the ‘Aerodays’ 2025 in Warsaw and
  3. support for activities of the Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation (AZEA).

ZHAW employees are mainly involved in the first measure; they are creating a map of funding programmes in aviation and contributing research ideas from the Aviation Research Center Switzerland (ARCS). The topics of Synthetic Aviation Fuel and the development of a Swiss Single Digital Sky are of particular importance here.

In this interesting EU project, we are working together with renowned research institutions such as CIRA, DLR, VZLU, etc.


Key Data


Project partners

VZLU Aerospace; Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR e.V.; Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation (ILOT); Aerospace Valley (AV); Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre NLR; Italian Aerospace Research Centre CIRA; Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft; National Institute for Aerospace Research „Elie Carafoli” INCAS; EASN Technology Innovation Services BVBA; AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH; Center of Engineering and Product Development CEiiA; SE SFTF “PROGRESS”; Spanish Aerospace Technology Platform (PAE); UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

Project status

ongoing, started 04/2024

Funding partner

Horizon Europe

Project budget

98'500 CHF