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THz photonics applications with 3D and 2D complex chalcogenides

Chalcogenide single crystals from the hypothio(seleno)diphosphate family exhibit unique semiconducting, ferroelectric, and nonlinear optical properties. This project will provide new fundamental data on 2D and 3D chalcogenide crystals in the broadband THz range and demonstrate potential applications in THz photonics.


Chalcogenide single crystals from the hypothio(seleno)diphosphate family are exceptional materials that possess a combination of semiconducting, ferroelectric, and nonlinear optical properties. In this project, we will obtain new fundamental data on the parameters of this attractive class of 3D and 2D layered chalcogenide materials. This is especially noteworthy in the broadband THz range, where reliable experimental data are currently almost absent. We further expect the first demonstrations of applications in the field of THz photonics based on this type of material.

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Project partners

Uzhhorod National University / Institute of Solid State Physics and Chemistry

Project status

ongoing, started 01/2025

Funding partner

Bilaterale Programme SNF / Projekt Nr. 224892

Project budget

399'998 CHF