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MyoPlus: Multisegmental, Functional Muscle Simulation in Physiologic Models (Myo+)

The project content deals with the Development and Testing of physiological muscle models and is executed in collaboration with the EELISA project partner of the University of Sant'Anna, Pisa.


The realistic simulation of human muscles represents a major challenge due to their biomechanical, visco elastic behaviour. The project therefore focuses on the development and validation of novel muscle models for the experimental testing of natural joints and implants. The project is executed with an EELISA partner of the University Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy).

The project has two goals: The Ddevelopment of physiologic Muscle Models and the Integration and Validation in experimental simulators.


Key Data

Project partners

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA, Pisa, Italy)

Project status

ongoing, started 01/2025

Funding partner

Interne Förderung / EELISA Projekt

Project budget

29'850 CHF