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Common Measurements Onsite in the AlpIne Region (COMMONAIR)


The Alpine region (AR) is the most affected in Europe by rising temperatures, and cities, especially those surrounded by mountains, are facing increased heat-related risks to public health in the built environment. In addition, air quality is a challenge in this region as pollution remains captured. The impacts of global warming are well known, but public awareness of the actions needed is still lacking. COMMONAIR promotes new governance models based on a bottom-up “citizen science” approach to monitor cities microclimate at the local scale with and by citizens. COMMONAIR seeks to bridge the gap between science-based methods, involvement of the public and policy implementation by local governments. Temperature, public open spaces comfort and air quality measurement made by citizen target groups, including students, NGOs, with experts' support will be the starting point of informed local debate and appropriate policy making. Additional data for research will be provided raising citizens willingness for adaptation actions. This approach will significantly innovate governance, both vertically and horizontally, involving all levels of decisionmaking, government, stakeholders and local actors. It also provides, through meetings and communication tools, regional and transnational share of good practices and results among stakeholders who face similar challenges in the Alps, enhancing adaptation capacity.

Key Data

Deputy Projectlead

Project partners

Technische Universität Wien; Polytechnic University of Turin; Municipality of Turin; City of Grenoble

Project status

ongoing, started 06/2024

Funding partner

Interreg Alpine Space