Occurence of grape phylloxera (Dactulosphaira vitifoliae) in Switzerland
Grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae, Fitch) was a major pest in European grape production until the consequent use of resistant rootstocks. Today phylloxera is found mostly on derelict vineyards and interspecific hybrids used mainly in organic grapewine production. This project aims to map the occurence of grape phylloxera in Switzerland and to evaluate the genotypic variability.
Key Data
Dr. Johannes Fahrentrapp
Project team
Project status
completed, 07/2013 - 12/2017
Funding partner
First European leaf-feeding grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch) survey in Swiss and German commercial vineyards
2019 Forneck, A.; Mammerler, R.; Tello, J.; Breuer, M.; Müller, J.; Fahrentrapp, J.
Génétique des populations et lutte contre le phylloxéra
2018 Linder, Christian; Kehrli, Patrik; Forneck, Astrid; Fahrentrapp, Johannes
Populationsgenetik und Bekämpfung der Reblaus
2018 Kehrli, Patrik; Linder, Christian; Forneck, Astrid; Fahrentrapp, Johannes
Insecticides trials against foliar grape phylloxera
2015 Linder, Christian; Kehrli, Patrik; Fahrentrapp, Johannes
PHYLLI : an international database for grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch)
2015 Forneck, A.; Dockner, V.; Mammerler, R.; Powell, KS.; Kocsis, L.; Papura, D.; Fahrentrapp, Johannes; Riaz, S.; Walker, MA.
Is there need for leaf-galling grape phylloxera control? : presence and distribution of Dactulosphaira vitifoliae in Swiss vineyards
2015 Fahrentrapp, Johannes; Müller, Lukas; Schumacher, Peter
Die Reblaus in der Schweiz
2014 Fahrentrapp, Johannes; Schumacher, Peter
Grape phylloxera infestation rate in Switzerland
2014 Fahrentrapp, Johannes; Müller, Lukas; Schumacher, Peter
Grape Phylloxera
2014 Fahrentrapp, Johannes
Engineering fire blight resistance into the apple cultivar 'Gala' using the FB_MR5 CC-NBS-LRR resistance gene of Malus × robusta 5 Giovanni
2014 Broggini, Giovanni A. L.; Wöhner, Thomas; Fahrentrapp, Johannes; Kost, Thomas D.; Flachowsky, Henryk; Peil, Andreas; Hanke, Maria-Viola; Richter, Klaus; Patocchi, Andrea; Gessler, Cesare
Grape phylloxera infestation rate in Switzerland
2013 Fahrentrapp, Johannes; Müller, Lukas; Schumacher, Peter
Informationen zum Projekt Reblaus
2013 Fahrentrapp, Johannes