Social Positioning in the context of migration and adolescence
A biographical longitudinal Study
Key Data
Project team
Prof. Dr. Mirjam Eser Davolio, Milena Gehrig, Garabet Gül, Isabelle Steiner
Project status
completed, 12/2015 - 11/2017
Funding partner
Project budget
225'500 CHF
The second generation in Switzerland in times of crises : biographies between meritocratic promise and experiences of inequality and insecurity
2019 Mey, Eva; Gül, Garabet; Eser Davolio, Miryam; Gehrig, Milena; Steiner, Isabelle
Immigrant youth on their pathway to adulthood in Switzerland : labor market trajectories between meritocratic promise and experiences of inequality and insecurity : findings from a longitudinal study
2018 Gehrig, Milena; Steiner, Isabelle
Social positioning in the transition to adulthood among young people from immigrant working-class families in Switzerland : findings from a longitudinal study
2018 Gehrig, Milena; Eser Davolio, Miryam; Mey, Eva
Studying second-generation transitions into adulthood in Switzerland : a biographical approach
2017 Mey, Eva
Junge Menschen sprechen über die Einbürgerung : gesellschaftliche Positionierung und die Bedeutung formaler Staatsbürgerschaft im Übergang ins Erwachsenenalter
2016 Mey, Eva