Study on the implementation of the new own risk and solvency assessment ORSA, public disclosure for Swiss insurers
The ORSA study examines the implementation progress of the ORSA at Swiss direct-, re- and health insurance companies. The findings from expert interviews and anonymized questionnaires show that ORSA has been established as a planning tool and is used as a reporting tool for the management and the Board of Directors.The Public Disclosure study examines the first experiences with the new disclosure requirement (Public Disclosure) in the Swiss insurance market. The findings suggest that the interest in the financial condition report (FCR) among policyholders has so far been limited. From the point of view of many of the insurers surveyed, the costs exceed the benefits and Public Disclosure is perceived as a compulsory exercise with little added value.2016/2 Public Disclosure2016/3 ORSA2017/
Key Data
Project partners
Project status
completed, 07/2018 - 12/2018
Funding partner
Further documents and links
ORSA Schweiz: wo stehen die Schweizer Versicherer? : Studie 2018
2018 Zeier Röschmann, Angela; Barth, Sebastian; Becker, Johannes Gerd; Wipf, Denise; Zumsteg, Stefan
Public Disclosure im Versicherungsmarkt : erste Erfahrungen mit dem Bericht über die Finanzlage
2018 Wipf, Denise; Accardi, Angelo; Moya, Emanuel; Barth, Sebastian; Zeier Röschmann, Angela