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IHB research project on the intangible heritage of the Lake Constance region
IEEE SENSORS Conference Paper Accepted
Skills training in Virtual Reality – pilot test with students in Central Tanzania
ZHAW Managers Survey 2022: The Results
Technical Hand-Over of CWIS-II at NASA/JPL, California
Sexualised violence against children and young people: associations want more support for their prevention efforts
The first RRI Policy Brief is ready
What makes nearshoring successful? Your opinion matters!
More efficient tuberculosis diagnosis thanks to a simple breath test
CEE lead Regina Betz on the 2022 energy research talks in Disentis, Switzerland
The CEE is part of three consortia that have won the current round of SWEET calls
The CEE at the ECEEE Summer Study
Study identifies a lack of guidelines on the handling of end-of-life fasting
Towards Switzerland`s net-zero carbon emissions
Washing without water or an electrical connection – applied ecological engineering makes this possible
Which translation tools are suitable for emergency communication with refugees from Ukraine? Two guides provide the answer.
Willingness to Be Vaccinated Dependent on Socioeconomic Factors
Brochure provides tips on the implementation of occupational therapy at a distance
SMEs Fear Consequences of Geopolitical Situation
Replacing hops with hemp for more sustainable beer