School of Applied Linguistics
Language matters: we investigate the key role played by language and communication, enabling practitioners and society at large to reap practical benefits from linguistics.
School of Applied Psychology
We use scientific methods to clarify psychological problems in the field of applied psychology. Individuals and companies can utilise our findings in their living and working environments.
School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering
Our degree and continuing education programmes have close connections with research, thus providing synergies between architects and civil engineers.
School of Health Sciences
We are the largest training and research centre in Switzerland for occupational therapy, midwifery, nursing and physiotherapy, as well as for research and development in these fields.
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
We are one of the leading Swiss competence centres in the fields of nutrition, health, society and the environment.
School of Engineering
We guarantee excellent degree and continuing education programmes in engineering disciplines. Key R&D focus areas are energy, mobility, information and health.
School of Management and Law
"Building Competence. Crossing Borders." – that’s our credo. It reflects our global mindset and our commitment to quality education, research, and consulting.
School of Social Work
We offer Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in social work, as well as continuing education courses, services and research in our focus areas.
2'280 results found
ZHAW Datalab organizes Data Science Event in Silicon Valley
... do users really want to know about privacy? Recent Comments shiva kumar on Data protection – are we really paradoxical? mild on R: Reduce() – apply’s lesser known brother Ou Wu on R: Reduce() – apply’s ...
Data scientists type A & B? Nonsense.
... – are we really paradoxical? mild on R: Reduce() – apply’s lesser known brother Ou Wu on R: Reduce() – apply’s lesser known brother Homepage on Social Media Monitoring for Arts Management on the example ...
Publications and Articles
... previous years (since 2002) until today ... as well as about other interesting aspects around the topic of " Extra Virgin Olive Oil ". Publications / Articles in German Bongartz A., Schneller R., Popp M ...
Dr. Ricardo Chavarriaga
ZHAW School of Engineering
+41 (0) 58 934 47 59
Deutung von Wirkung in Organisationen des Sozialwesens : Ergebniszusammenfassung
... Klient:innen sozialer Dienstleistungen. Während in der Literatur psychologische und soziale Wirkungszuschreibungen auf der individuellen Ebene handlungsfeldübergreifend dominieren, fokussieren Fach- und ...
Bachelorstudium Mobility Science - Treibstoff für Deine Karriere in der Bahnbranche
... Arbeit weiterhilft. Joey Fischer, Signalling-Profi Dank des Studiums errichtete ich mir ein umfassendes Fach- und Management-Know-how und konnte mir ein breites Netzwerk aufbauen. Stefanie Spenger ...
Einladung zum kostenlosen Info-Anlass „First Ventures - Gebert Rüf Stiftung“ und Entrepreneurship an der ZHAW
... Diskussion: alle Anschliessend Apéro und Gelegenheit, individuelle Anliegen zu diskutieren Die Gebert Rüf Stiftung fördert mit „First Ventures“ Bachelor- und Masterstudierende von Fach-hochschulen, die in ...
Swiss Innovation Forum 2014
... Inventors, Start-up und Sustainability Leader vergeben. Anmelden können sich innovative Unternehmer/innen, Fach- und Hochschulen, Forschungsinstitutionen, etablierte Unternehmen, Forscher, Entwickler und ...
Coaching im Umgang mit Medien
... : Erstens tritt man in den Medien stellvertretend auf, für eine Organisation, eine Teilöffentlichkeit, ein Fach. Dabei können die Erwartungen von Rollensendern — wie Arbeitgebern, Fachkollegen und ...
Digitalisierung des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens : Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven
... Lehre als eigenes Fach vertreten werden kann. Beschreibung Schlagwörter Academic writing , Wissenschaftliches Schreiben , Critical thinking , Digitalisation , Digitalisierung , Higher Education ...