School of Applied Linguistics
Language matters: we investigate the key role played by language and communication, enabling practitioners and society at large to reap practical benefits from linguistics.
School of Applied Psychology
We use scientific methods to clarify psychological problems in the field of applied psychology. Individuals and companies can utilise our findings in their living and working environments.
School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering
Our degree and continuing education programmes have close connections with research, thus providing synergies between architects and civil engineers.
School of Health Sciences
We are the largest training and research centre in Switzerland for occupational therapy, midwifery, nursing and physiotherapy, as well as for research and development in these fields.
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
We are one of the leading Swiss competence centres in the fields of nutrition, health, society and the environment.
School of Engineering
We guarantee excellent degree and continuing education programmes in engineering disciplines. Key R&D focus areas are energy, mobility, information and health.
School of Management and Law
"Building Competence. Crossing Borders." – that’s our credo. It reflects our global mindset and our commitment to quality education, research, and consulting.
School of Social Work
We offer Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in social work, as well as continuing education courses, services and research in our focus areas.
2'280 results found
Robotik in Betreuung und Gesundheitsversorgung
... und Versorgung von Menschen zunehmend technische Lösungen in Betracht gezogen werden. Die meisten Roboter und autonomen Geräte, die dafür in Frage kommen, befinden sich in der Phase einer hauptsächlich ...
Dr. Muriel Siegwart
ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
+41 (0) 58 934 50 29
Dr. Amelie Güntner
ZHAW School of Applied Psychology
+41 (0) 58 934 80 28
Redaktionsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten
... Technische Redaktionen stehen ständig vor neuen Herausforderungen und der Frage, wie sich diese in echte Chancen verwandeln lassen. In diesem praxisorientierten Workshop lernten die Teilnehmenden effektive ...
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ott
+41 (0) 58 934 56 84
Marco Fluri
Nicole Markwalder-Mettauer
ZHAW School of Health Sciences
+41 (0) 58 934 43 34
Gut getarnt
... zu integrieren. Es liegt auf Wissenschaftsseite an den Hochschulinstituten oder am Fachverband SGKM zu entscheiden, ob eine häufigere Nennung einen Mehrwert bringt für die Organisationen oder das Fach ...
... bringt für die Organisationen oder das Fach. Aus qualitätsjournalistischer Sicht aber ist offen: Weiss das Publikum bei Beiträgen ohne Disziplinbezeichnungen zu welchen Fachgebieten Forschungsergebnisse ...
Dr. Matteo Spada
ZHAW School of Engineering
+41 (0) 58 934 67 42