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Visit from Japan at the Institute of Computational Life Sciences (ICLS)

A project by ZHAW will be part of the World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan. On February 4, the Centre for Cognitive Computing had the opportunity to present the project to WIRED Japan magazine.

Yulia Sandamirskaya (ZHAW ICLS, live from Autralien), Michaela Malenchini (EDA), Vittorio Fra, Kota Venkata Bharghav, Shaochang Tan and Caterina Caccavella (ZHAW ICLS), Timothée Rambrecq, Erina Anscomb, Ryo Tomizuka and Akihiko Mori (WIRED JAPAN), and Paul Fox (ZHAW ICLS)

From April 13 to October 13, 2025, the next World Expo will take place in Osaka under the theme "Designing Future Society for Our Lives." At the House of Switzerland, visitors from around the world will be able to experience the cutting-edge robots from our Centre for Cognitive Computing in action! The project focuses on the development of service robots for elderly care.

On February 4, our researchers had the pleasure of welcoming WIRED Japan, one of the world’s leading technology and innovation magazines, for an exclusive preview of our Expo 2025 presentation. We extend our heartfelt thanks to WIRED JAPAN for their visit and to the team at Presence Switzerland (EDA) for organizing this event!

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