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DIZH Fellowship - First Call is under way

ZHAW digital is looking for outstanding ZHAW researchers of all levels who want to work in a research cluster with other universities on interdisciplinary projects about digital transformation.

ZHAW digital is looking for outstanding ZHAW researchers of all levels who want to work in a research cluster with other universities on interdisciplinary projects about digital transformation. By doing so, researchers will be able to strengthen their own and ZHAW's profile in this area, and promote networking within the broader research community of the University of Zurich, the Zurich University of Teacher Education and the Zurich University of the Arts. The first one of these internal Calls was launched on 1.9.2019 and is open until 31.10.2019. The Fellowship is an integral part of the "Digitization Initiative of the Zurich-area Universities" (DIZH) and is therefore conditional upon the approval of the DIZH by the council of the Canton of Zurich.

Read the Call here(PDF 736,9 KB)