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Eight new DFF projects for digital transformation

The “ZHAW digital” initiative is supporting eight projects that drive digital transformation, such as assistive technologies for the hearing-impaired, sustainable architecture and toxicity in gaming.

ZHAW digital has been promoting innovation, research, and collaboration in the digital field since 2019. The initiative focuses on three pillars: education promotion, research promotion, and digital transformation of ZHAW.

In research promotion, the initiative awards fellowships, funds low-threshold projects through the "Digital Futures Fund for Research" (DFF), increases research visibility, and facilitates networking.

The “DFF for Research” is aimed at all ZHAW employees who want to develop, implement or further develop an idea for digital transformation in the field of research.

In this funding round, the project groups are working on various topics:

  • Toxicity in video games (Elena Gavagnin, School of Management and Law)
  • An open platform for sustainable architecture (Yves Ebnöther, School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering)
  • A playful approach to digital transformation in care homes (Nicole Gerber, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management)
  • A speech-to-text system for people with hearing impairments (Andri Reichenbacher, School of Engineering)
  • A Swiss German text-to-speech system (Jan Deriu, School of Engineering)
  • A chatbot for documents at ZHAW (Stefan Michel, Rectorate)
  • AI for young voters (Don Tuggener, School of Engineering)
  • AI translation of legal texts into plain language (Bojan Peric, School of Management and Law)

Project descriptions(PDF 262,9 KB)

Digital Futures Map (visual overview of funded projects)