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From ADHD to visual impairment – fact sheets support lecturers

People with disabilities should be able to study without barriers and discrimination. The inter-university network Swissuniablity offers hands-on support for lecturers.

How do I organise my lessons if a blind student is taking part? And how do I take into account the needs of a student living with autism? To support lecturers, the network “Studium und Behinderung Schweiz” (Swissuniability) has developed fact sheets. These provide information on how to communicate openly and how to deal with students with disabilities. The leaflets contain information on support measures or the elimination of disadvantages (e.g. legally guaranteed compensation for disadvantages) for courses, self-study and examinations. The information sheets raise awareness and support lecturers. They also help to recognise and take into account the needs of students with disabilities.

Support for obstacle-free didactics

The fact sheets briefly describe the various disabilities and give support for obstacle-free didactics. Goal is to enable people with disabilities to study without obstacles.

All information sheets on studying with various disabilities and further information can also be found on the Swissuniability website.

ZHAW is one of the network's project leaders

The ZHAW is one of the network's project leaders and aims to make knowledge and tools available to all Swiss educational institutions. The network is based on the commitment of many members at Swissuniversities, whose knowledge and experience make a valuable contribution to the continuous development of the information.

The fact sheets were developed by the Swissuniability network's didactics working group, in which ZHAW staff were also represented. The ZHAW contact persons are:

  • Brian Mc Gowan (Diversity Office, Equality for People with Disabilities)
  • Stephan Roth (ICT Accessibility Lab, ZHAW School of Engineering)
  • Anne Wälchli (Office for Obstacle-Free Studying and Working, ZHAW Health Department)