Dr. Briac Lanfant

Dr. Briac Lanfant
School of Engineering
Research profile Additive Manufacturing
Lagerplatz 22
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
- Senior research Associate/Lecturer
- Institute of Product Development and Production Technologies
- Metallic and ceramic materials
- Production Process (Additive Manufacturing, Injection Molding, powder metallurgy)
- Additive Manufacturing: Material, Processes, Quality Management, Cost Calculation
- Smart Production: Design Office, Industrialisation, Lean Production
- Sustainability in Production System: Introduction to Resources Management
Professional development teaching
- CAS Additive Fertigung
- CAS Industry 4.0 – from idea to implementation
- WBK Additive Fertigung (3D-Druck)
- Material Engineer
Rolex, Biel
04 / 2020 - 11 / 2022 - Material Scientist
Empa, Thun
04 / 2015 - 12 / 2019 - Materiale and Chemistry, PhD
CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France
10 / 2011 - 09 / 2014
Education and Continuing education
- PhD / Material and Chemistry
CEA/LEDNA, Gif-sur-Yvette, Frankreich
10 / 2011 - 10 / 2014 - Master / Ceramic materials
Université de Limoges, France
09 / 2010 - 09 / 2011 - Material Engineer / Material science
Material Ingenieur, ENSIL, Limoges, France
09 / 2008 - 09 / 2011
Membership of networks
- 3D-Master for a Digitized Manufacturing Platform / Team member / laufend
- Additive Manufactured Gears of Case-Hardened Steel / Team member / abgeschlossen
Lanfant, Briac; Lack, Silvan; Meyer, Benjamin; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Stadelmann, Thilo; Schmid, Daniel,
3D-master-based method for optimizing the cost calculation of PBF-LB/M manufactured parts [paper].
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference (MAMC), Aachen, Germany, 17-19 September 2024.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00501-025-01563-y
Lanfant, Briac; Lack, Silvan; Meyer, Benjamin; Abdulkadir, Ahmed; Stadelmann, Thilo; Schmid, Daniel,
3D-master-based method for optimizing the cost calculation of PBF-LB/M manufactured parts.
Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference (MAMC), Aachen, Germany, 17-19 September 2024.
Lanfant, Briac,
Energiedichte : wo stehen wir jetzt.
Angewandte Forschung & Entwicklung in der additiven Fertigung, Winterthur, Schweiz, 12. September 2024.
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Additive Manufacturing of Ti-Nb Dissimilar Metals by Laser Metal Deposition D.Cui, B.Lanfant, M.Leparoux, S.Fabre Industrializing Additive Manufacturing. AMPA 2020
- Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composite by Laser Metal Deposition: a new process approach by Direct Dry Injection of Nanopowders B.Lanfant, F.Bär, A. Mohanta, M.Leparoux Materials 2019
- Induction Plasma Synthesis of Graphene Nano-flakes with In Situ Investigation of Ar–H2 –CH4 Plasma by Optical Emission Spectroscopy A.Mohanta, B.Lanfant, M. Leparoux Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 2019
- Mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of nanostructured SiC / carbon nanotubes composites B. Lanfant, Y. Leconte, N.Debski, G. Bonnefont, M.Pinault, M. Mayne-L’Hermite, A.Habert, Y. Jorand, V. Garnier, G. Fantozzi, S. Le Gallet, F. Bernard Ceramics International, 2018
- Surface damage on polycrystalline β-SiC by xenon ion irradiation at high fluence J.Baillet, S.Gavarrini, N.Millard-Pinard, V Garnier, C.Peaucelle, X. Jaurand, A.Duranti, C. Bernard, R.Rapegno, S.Cardinal, L.Escobar Sawa, T. De Echave, B.Lanfant, Y, Leconte, Journal of Nuclear Materials
- Methane dissociation process in inductively coupled Ar/H2/CH4 plasma for graphene nano-flakes production A.Mohanta, B.Lanfant, M. Asfaha, M.Leparoux Applied Physics Letters, 2017
- Optical emission spectroscopic study of Ar/H2/CH4 plasma during the production of graphene nano-flakes by induction plasma synthesis A.Mohanta, B.Lanfant, M. Asfaha, M.Leparoux Journal of physics: Conference Series, 2017
- Effects of carbon and oxygen on the spark plasma sintering additive-free densification and on the mechanical properties of nanostructured SiC ceramics B.Lanfant, Y.Leconte, G.Bonnefont, V.Garnier , Y.Jorand, S.Le Gallet, M.Pinault, N.Herlin-Boime, F. Bernard, G.Fantozzi Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2015
- A thorough FT-IR spectroscopy study on micrometric silicon oxide films deposited by atmospheric pressure microwave plasma torch - Highlighted Paper of EPJ (December 2011)- X.Landreau, B.Lanfant, T.Merle, C.Dublanche-Tixier, P.Tristant The European Physical Journal D, 2012
- Ordering of SiOxHyCz islands deposited by atmospheric pressure microwave plasma torch on Si(100) substrates patterned by nanoindentation X.Landreau, B.Lanfant, T.Merle, E.Laborde, C.Dublanche-Tixier, P.Tristant The European Physical Journal D, 2011