Prof. Dr. Adriano Nasciuti

Prof. Dr. Adriano Nasciuti
School of Engineering
Department Mechanical Engineering, Energy Technology and Aviation
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
Head of Section Mechanical Engineering, Energy Technology and Aviation
Electrical discharge machining, high-voltage technology, electrical machines
- Technische und elektrische Grundlagen der Kraftwerkstechnik
- Elektrotechnik und Halbleiter 1
- Power Grids
Education and Continuing education
Continuing Education
- Certificate
Higher Education Management (HEM)
12 / 2017 - Industrial Engineer
KS Kaderschulen
12 / 1998 - Doctor of technical sciences ETH
ETH Zurich
12 / 1995 - Master of Science in electrical engineering ETH Zürich, specialization in energy technology.
ETH Zurich
12 / 1990
Membership of networks
- SATW Koordinationsgremium Forschungsverbund Advanced Manufacturing
- Advanced Manufacturing Technology Transfer Centers (AM-TTC) Alliance
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Samuele Kronauer, Bojan Mavkov, Manas Mejari, Dario Piga, Fabrice Jaques, Rino D’Amario, Riccardo Di Campli, Adriano Nasciuti: ”Data-driven statistical analysis for discharge position prediction on Wire EDM”, Procedia CIRP, 2022, to be published.
- Jamal Saeedi, Matteo Dotta, Andrea Galli, Adriano Nasciuti, Umang Maradia, Marco Boccadoro, Luca Maria Gambardella, Alessandro Giusti (2021): "Measurement and inspection of electrical discharge machined steel surfaces using deep neural networks". Machine Vision and Applications. 32. 1-15. 10.1007/s00138-020-01142-w.
- Alessandro Giusti, Matteo Dotta, Umang Maradia, Marco Boccadoro, Luca M. Gambardella, Adriano Nasciuti: "Image-based Measurement of Material Roughness using Machine Learning Techniques", Procedia CIRP, Volume 95, 2020, Pages 377-382, ISSN 2212-8271.
- Alessandro Giusti, Matteo Dotta, Stefano Toniolo, Marco Boccadoro, Luca Maria Gambardella, Adriano Nasciuti, "Image-based Measurement of Material Roughness", in Proceedings of FTAL18 - Industrial Applied Data Science, 2018, pp 32-33, ISBN 978-2-8399-2549-5
- Sun, H; Nasciuti, A; Héritier, Y; Hoffelner, W; "DESTRUCTION OF NOx, SOx & DIOXIN/FURAN IN FLUE GAS BY COLD PLASMA", ISPC-13 / Beijing, China / August 18-22, 1997 / Edited by C.K. Wu.
- Teich T.H. and Nasciuti A.: "Excited states in discharges for flue gas processing. Dependence of processing results on parameter variation", Abstracts volume of the 3rd Intern. Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies for Water and Air Remediation (AOTs-3), Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, pages 17-18, October 26-29, 1996.
- T. H. Teich, M. Jacob, A. Nasciuti and Y. Héritier, "Optical diagnostics and some results of gas treatment by way of non-thermal electrical discharges" '96 IEE Colloquium on Pulsed Power, London, UK, 1996, pp. 34/1-34/4.
- Zaengl W., Teich T.H., Friedrich G., Nasciuti A. und Schötzau H.-J.: “Zur Reduktion der gasförmigen Schadstoffe in Abgasen mit Hilfe elektrischer Entladungen“, Bulletin SEV/VSE, 82, 27-35 (1991).