Dr. Franziska Schranz

Dr. Franziska Schranz
School of Engineering
Institute of Computational Physics
Technikumstrasse 71
8400 Winterthur
ORCID digital identifier
- Urban Positive Clean neigHborhood energy trAnsition: driving innovative solutions for Renovation, diGitalisation and energy Efficiency / Team member / laufend
- Polysun-ML / Co-project leader / laufend
- Smart urban green spaces / Team member / abgeschlossen
- ThermoPlaner3D / Team member / abgeschlossen
Schranz, Franziska; Phimmasane, Vixay; Witzig, Andreas; Rüst, Andreas; Schmid, Daniel,
User assistance system for smart commercial buildings : use cases and proof of concept [paper].
Srećković, Marijana; Kassem, Mohamad; Soman, Ranjith; Chassiakos, Athanasios, eds.,
Proceedings of the 2024 European Conference on Computing in Construction.
European Conference on Computing in Construction, Chania, Greece, 14-17 July 2024.
European Council on Computing in Construction.
pp. 674-681.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.35490/EC3.2024.190
Witzig, Andreas; Tello, Camilo; Schranz, Franziska; Bruderer, Johannes; Haase, Matthias,
Quantifying energy-saving measures in office buildings by simulation in 2D cross sections [paper].
Johra, Hicham, ed.,
NSB 2023 - Book of Technical Papers : 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics.
13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB), Aalborg, Denmark, 12-14 June 2023.
Aalborg University.
pp. 317.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.54337/aau541623658