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Research Funding

The primary objective of ZHAW digital is to promote and facilitate networking for research projects and researchers from all scientific disciplines dealing with issues and questions of digital transformation. The aim is twofold: firstly, to strengthen the competitiveness of the ZHAW and the Canton of Zurich as a centre of research and development in national and international competition; and secondly, to support the economy and society in seizing the opportunities presented by digital transformation.

Funding opportunities

DIZH Fellowship

DIZH supports highly qualified ZHAW researchers in collaboration with experts from other Zurich higher education institutes. Working in teams, professors, senior researchers, post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students conduct interdisciplinary research on digital transformation. In spring 2020, the first 13 fellows started their projects. By now, ZHAW digital already supports the fifth generation of fellows.

Call 2025(PDF 297,4 KB)

Get to know our fellows


Digital Futures Fund

The "Digital Futures Fund for Research and Development" welcomes all ZHAW researchers who would like to develop or test an innovative idea for digital transformation. Your input can contribute to the area of research and development. All project leaders are automatically accepted into the digital community "Digital Futures Lab" through their funded project. This enables them to network and exchange ideas on specific topics with the community members.

All about the Digital Futures Fund

More about the Digital Futures Lab community


DIZH Innovation Program

The Zurich higher education institutes (ZHAW, UZH, PHZH and ZHdK) initiate various types of innovative digitalization projects with the private and public sector. In these partnerships, researchers can consider the needs and experiences of their partners in industry and government and vice versa. Hence, research findings can align more with practical real-world applications.

The next deadlines for the submission of proposals for all calls of the DIZH Innovation Programme will be published on the DIZH website as soon as they have been set.