The databases found here primarily contain references and, in some cases, full texts of articles from journals, book chapters, conference reports and many more sources. They thus support you in researching and reviewing current content on a topic.
Searching for a database
- Are you looking for a specific database? To do so, use the grey quick access function.
- Are you looking for databases on a specific topic? If so, use the discipline-specific information function.
- No access? Read more on our information page.
Covers all areas of economics, with a focus on business administration and management, The databases offers bibliographic information, abstracts and, for the most part, full texts. It primarily includes journal articles as well as dissertations, conference reports, business cases, market reports and industry reports.
Subscriptions exist für ABI/Inform Global and ABI/Inform Trade & Industry.
Further information about ABI/Inform Global
Further information about ABI/Inform Trade & Industry
Academic Writer
APA (American Psychological Accociation) style is a leading and widely used standard for citing sources. Academic Writer provides an online portal for learning, writing and publishing with the APA standard. The APA style guidelines also appear in print as the "Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association".
The new seventh edition of APA style has served as the basis of Academic Writer since August 2020.
Important note: Academic Writer is not compatible with Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. It is recommended that you use a different browser.
ACM Digital Library
Digital collection that covers the areas of informatics, information technology and computer science. With the exception of e-books, all publications of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), including archive access from 1945 onwards, as well as the "Guide to Computing Literature", which provides bibliographic information on journals of major computer publishers, are included as full texts.
Bibliographic information from the National Agricultural Library (NAL) on topics such as agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishing and food sciences.
Freely accessible international fact database produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with bibliographic information from all areas of agriculture, including related subjects such as forestry, animal husbandry, food sciences and many more.
AHFS Consumer Medication Information
Database containing full texts with information on more than 1000 medications and active ingredients. It is aimed at patients and is a product of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
AHFS Consumer Medication Information
AMED - Allied and Complementary Medicine Database
Covers complementary medicine, special therapies (such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy) and palliative care with a focus on Europe.
Limited to four users at a time - please be sure to log out. (Primal Pictures)
The basis of the anatomy visualisations is the anatomical structure of two people (male and female). The parts of the human body can be individually displayed, named, marked, extracted or made transparent. Subscriptions are in place for two modules:
The 3D Sports, Therapy & Rehabilitation package: Includes detailed interactive 3D models of the human anatomy in the areas of sport and rehabilitation. It covers topics such as sports injuries, yoga, hand therapy and acupuncture.
The 3D Human Anatomy & Physiology package: Allows for a more in-depth insight into the anatomy and physiology of the human body. It is possible to select various modules, including the nervous system, blood, chemistry, muscles and many others.
To access the “Faculty only” area, please contact (for ZHAW staff only).
International architecture database with information on buildings and plans of important architects. In selecting projects, archINFORM focuses on 20th century architecture. The database also includes literature references to architects and their projects. Its contents are freely accessible.
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
International database on architecture and architectural history as well as monument preservation, interior design, landscape architecture and urban planning.
It also includes an index of obituaries of notable architects (Avery's Obituary Index) and the Burnham Index to Architectural Literature of the Art Institute of Chicago (1870 to approx. 1965).
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
Title list (current Journal List)
Bibliographie der deutschen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (BDSL)
Bibliography of literature published worldwide in the areas of German language, literary studies and general German studies. The database gives special consideration to grey literature, including the yearbooks of literary associations, and is maintained by Frankfurt University Library.
BDSL (German)
Further information (German)
BGE - decisions of the Swiss Supreme Court
Official collection of decisions of the Swiss Supreme Court.
The database is freely accessible. A subscription to the expert search also exists for ZHAW staff and students (login with SWITCH edu-ID). It is limited to one user at a time - please be sure to log out.
BGE (German, French and Italian)
BGE - Expert search (with ZHAW-Login) (German, French and Italian)
Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy
Specialist international bibliography on metaphor, metonymy and figurative language.
Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy
Bibliography of Pragmatics Online
Specialist international bibliography on linguistic pragmatics.
Bibliography of Pragmatics Online
BITRA - Bibliography of Interpreting and Translation
Freely accessible international reference database from the fields of translation studies and interpreting.
BLLDB - Bibliography of Linguistic Literature Database
Lists literature on general linguistics, English studies, German studies and Romance studies as well as, to a lesser extent, publications on other languages. The database is maintained by the Frankfurt University Library.
Building Types Online
This database is based on design manuals from the Birkhäuser architecture programme. All of the texts are written by international specialists, and the examples are illustrated with high-quality planning material. The database contains a large selection of contemporary architectural projects covering residential and office buildings, industrial buildings, museums, schools, libraries and other types of buildings.
Business Source Premier
The database covers economic sciences including marketing, management, accounting, finance and business. In addition to specialist journals, it also includes company profiles, industry reports, market analyses and SWOT analyses. Most of the journals are available in full-text format. Some are only available after an embargo period of one to 36 months.
Tutorials EBSCO (German)
CAB Abstracts
The database covers the areas of agriculture and forestry, chemistry, nutrition, food technology and science, medicinal plants and pharmacology, biotechnology, environmental sciences and tourism.
Limited to 12 users at a time - please be sure to log out.
CAB Abstracts via CABI Digital Library
Literature database for all health professions and management. Includes professional journals from Germany, Austria and Switzerland - as well as numerous other publications from 1947 onwards. Bibliographic database.
CareLit (German)
List of journals (German)
Freely accessible database of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in which structural and related information on chemicals and medical active ingredients from both fee-based and free databases can be accessed via a single interface.
CINAHL Ultimate
The database offers comprehensive content for research in nursing and allied health professions. It contains the full texts of over 900 journals from more than 50 subject areas. The database analyses a large proportion of English-language nursing journals as well as various journals from German-speaking countries. The database also contains evidence-based nursing information, continuing education modules and research tools. The content largely overlaps with the Emcare database.
Classical Scores Library
Collection of classical music scores from the 15th to 20th centuries. It is possible to filter your searches according to epoch, composer, instrument or title, among other criteria. Full scores are available.
Cochrane Library
Database on evidence-based medicine worldwide. It contains reviews of journals, conference reports and other sources on the latest proven medical treatments as well as on controlled studies.
The Cochrane Library has been available under a national licence since 1 January 2016, with all users with an IP address in Switzerland enjoying free access. The licence is registered with the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS).
Cochrane Library Compact (summary of reviews from the Cochrane Library)
Codexplo allows you to search for articles in the major commentaries on the Swiss Civil Code and Swiss Code of Obligations: the Basel Commentary, Bern Commentary, Zurich Commentary and Romandie Commentary.
With the help of the database, you can find out which volumes comment on a particular article. The search results are sorted according to the commentaries and the date of publication (newest first) and are linked to the legislative article you are looking for.
The search interface is only available in French for the time being.
Communication Source
The database offers abstracts and full-text content for the fields of communication, linguistics, rhetoric and discourse, speech and language pathology, media studies and related areas. The content comprises scientific journals, conference contributions, conference reports, periodicals and magazines.
DBIS Datenbank Infosystem
Cooperative service for the use of scientific databases. Various libraries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are involved in the DBIS.
DBIS Datenbank Infosystem (German)
Derwent Innovations Index
Contains patents of leading patent offices such as the European Patent Office, the United States Patent and Trademark Office and various Asian patent offices. To allow for improved searches, the information is standardised and each entry is assigned to a patent family and an industry code. Specialists supplement the entries with extended titles and abstracts.
DETAIL inspiration
This architecture image and reference database contains project documentation as of issue 01/1961 of the DETAIL journal, including drawings, reference photos and technical information. It is possible to conduct searches with keywords such as the building type, material, construction type, location, year of construction or the DETAIL issue topic. A description is available to download as a PDF for each project.
Bibliographic index of specialist economic literature such as journals, books and dissertations. Covers both economic theory and its application.
Title list (XLS 1.3 MB)(XLS 1,3 MB)
Education Research Portal
Search portal of the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education. It contains scientific literature, research data and tools from the subject area of pedagogy and is primarily aimed at those involved in educational research and practice. The search portal also includes the peDOCS repository, among others.
Detailed information on the search process
edudoc - Swiss document server for education
Documentation from the fields of educational policy, educational administration, educational planning, educational research and educational developments in Switzerland. A large part of the content is freely accessible.
Ovid Emcare is a literature database in the areas of nursing and healthcare. While its content largely overlaps with that of CINAHL Ultimate, both databases also contain their own journal titles. Half of the listed journals in Emcare come from North America, with 40% from Europe and the remaining 10% from the rest of the world. Emcare covers various subject areas, including emergency medicine, geriatrics and palliative care, complementary medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, oncology and others.
Old editions of Swiss newspapers that have been digitised by the Swiss National Library and its partners. is freely accessible and is the successor platform to Swiss Press Online. The database also provides access links to newspaper archives that are offered on a separate platform.
E-Periodica is the platform of the ETH Library for digitised Swiss journals. The topics covered range from natural sciences, engineering, architecture and art to history, geography and religion. The earliest journals found on E‑Periodica date from the start of the 18th century. Current issues are added to the collection on an ongoing basis.
ERIC - Educational Resources Information Center Database
Since 1966, ERIC has primarily listed English-language literature (such as books, journal articles and research and conference reports) with brief summaries of the contents in all areas of pedagogy (school and educational systems, preschool education, special education, schools and universities, teacher training, adult education, vocational training).
ESI - Essential Science Indicators
The Essential Science Indicators database highlights new scientific trends as well as influential personalities, institutions, articles, journals and countries in the field of science. The data is based on the last ten years in each case and identifies the most important articles in the various subject areas.
Database of the European Patent Office that lists patents from more than 90 countries. Searches can be conducted in German, English and French. In some cases, the original documents with the relevant illustrations are also included. All content is freely accessible and the database is updated daily.
European Pharmacopoeia Online
Reference work of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission EDQM for the quality control of drugs in Europe. The database contains full-text versions of special and general monographs with all types of active substances used for pharmaceutical products.
Access only for ZHAW staff and students and after initial registration. To receive a registration link, please send an e-mail to
European Pharmacopoeia Online can subsequently be used either directly via the website and/or be installed locally on a computer or USB stick. Additional offline installations are valid for 15 days.
Full-text versions of newspapers, journals, industry publications, company information and other sources from around the world. The information comes from Reuters and Dow Jones, among others. The database also includes German and international daily newspapers.
Instructions for accessing up-to-date Tages-Anzeiger articles (in German)
Title list of Swiss sources in Factiva(XLS 18,4 KB)
FORS - Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences
Collects and distributes complex data sets and publishes current research results. In keeping with the FORS principle, this social science data is accessible free of charge as it is collected with public funds. COMPASS (public statistics), FORSbase (research inventory) and the DARIS data service are important components.
FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts
Reference database with entries from journals on food sciences and technology as well as nutrition. Published by the International Food Information Service (UK).
Online Tutorial – FSTA on Ovid
Best Practice Guide for Literature Searches
Research reports and analyses on information technology.
No registration required. Automatic user recognition via ZHAW login. The database is not licensed for continuing education students.
German Education Index
Provides literature references on all sub-areas of education (monographs, contributions to edited volumes and journal articles). This database is maintained by the Educational Information System (FIS Bildung) together with its cooperation partners from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Cooperation partners of the German Education Index
Germanistik Online
Online edition of Germanistik, the international publication covering German language and literary studies.
Bibliographic and subject indexing of monographs, edited volumes and journals from the fields of literature, theatre studies, media studies, cultural history and linguistics. Includes short summaries of the indexed publications.
In gesis - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften you'll find information about social science research data, publications on research data as well as open access publications.
GMP-Berater is the world’s largest reference work for quality management in the pharmaceutical industry. GMP stands for “good manufacturing practice” for pharmaceuticals. GMP-Berater combines ongoing updates of global regulations with recommendations from specialists from the world of practice.
Access information: Click on LOGIN in the top right to access. Limited to one user at a time – please be sure to LOGOUT.
Google Scholar
Freely accessible search engine for scientific content. It lists documents (journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, patents and more) from subscriptions that are available as full texts as well as a wide range of open access content.
Contains information on the impact of people on the environment and covers topics such as climate change, green building, environmental pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energies and recycling.
Information service for professional horticulture. Consultants and researchers from across the Federal Republic of Germany publish up-to-date specialist information. The main topics covered are vegetable cultivation, floriculture and orcharding.
hortigate (access on the intranet – ZHAW login required)
HTS - Handbook of Translation Studies
Reference work for translation and interpreting practice as well as translation studies for students and professionals.
IBA - International Bibliography of Art
Successor product to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA). Contains literature references and, in some cases, full texts on the subjects of applied arts, the history of architecture and art, museology and conservation as well as visual arts in all media related to the US and Europe.
IBA (from 2008)
IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
Bibliography from the field of social sciences. It includes both references to books and journal articles.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
The IEEE Xplore Digital Library provides full-text access to current literature in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering and computer science published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
It is possible to access the majority of conferences and standards as well as the VDE Verlag Conference Proceedings package. The e-books in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library are not covered by the licence.
Journal Citation Reports
Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provides measures such as the “impact factor” for assessing the importance of journals for the scientific community.
Basic knowledge for engineers (manuals, reference works) and interactive calculation tools such as equations, tables, graphs and unit converters for the following seven areas:
Civil Engineering & Construction Materials - Composites - Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation - General Engineering & Project Administration - Manufacturing Engineering - Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering - Sustainable Energy & Development.
Documents publications worldwide on the subject of cosmetics and perfumes, covering issues such as product development, medical aspects, retail, research and development, raw materials, ingredients, analytical methods, product safety, properties, packaging and packaging technology as well as clinical studies.
Access information: The complete text of the IFSCC Magazine is included. The full-text versions of contributions from IFSCC congresses and conferences are available after a one-year embargo. Should they be missing, the contributions in question can be reported to
Database on Swiss law.
Subscriptions exist for the journals, private law, civil procedure law, commercial law, criminal law, tax law and constitutional law modules. It includes the latest Basel Commentaries. Full-text versions of the following journals are available: ius.focus, Praxis (Pra), Steuerentscheid (StE), SZZP and PSPC. (German, French)
The database contains all Swiss legislation at both the federal and cantonal levels. The data is freely accessible, is updated daily and is thus as current as the information provided on the cantonal and federal websites.
LexFind (German, French, Italian)
Instructions (German, French, Italian)
Further information (German, French, Italian)
Linguistics Portal
The De Gruyter Portal for Linguistics includes the following databases on the topics of language, communication and semiotics.
- Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (WSK)
- Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (KLUGE)
- Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics (EDS)
Here you will find grammars, dictionaries, linguistic maps, research articles, multimedia elements and primary sources, among others.
LISA - Library and Information Science Abstracts
Bibliographic database with international journals on librarianship and information science.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts. Database for librarianship and information management with references from journals, books and conference reports from the 1960s onwards.
LIVIVO is an interdisciplinary search engine for literature and information in the subject areas of medicine and healthcare as well as nutritional, environmental and agricultural sciences.
It is provided by ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences. Scientifically relevant information on the ZB MED subject areas is consolidated and made available for free research via a uniform interface. References from practice-based journal articles from the former database, which was operated by a working group of the “Swiss Health Libraries Network” association, are also integrated.
LLBA - Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts
References from linguistics journals, books and dissertations in areas such as phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
Information on traditional and innovative materials. The database links several material collections via a common and freely accessible database and is aimed at professional groups working in the area of design.
Materialarchiv (German)
Contains references from articles and conference reports from the areas of clinical medicine, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology and pharmacy, dentistry, psychiatry and psychology and healthcare
Multimedia Fluid Mechanics
The full-text database offers almost 1,000 videos with illustrative demonstrations, animations and simulations to supplement conventional teaching materials in the area of fluid mechanics. It has a modular structure and, in addition to a brief description, contains one or more videos on the topic at hand.
NCJRS - National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts
The database is issued by the information centre for research, policy and practices in the areas of criminal and juvenile criminal justice as well as juvenile delinquency and the battle against drugs. It includes abstracts of both US and international publications. The database does not contain legal claims, views or positions.
Nexis Uni
Press, company and financial information as well as information on people from the worlds of business, politics and current affairs as well as economic analyses, country reports and legal information. Several thousand current journals, magazines and newspapers are contained in full-text versions, including the Tages-Anzeiger, the Handelszeitung, Le Monde und The Washington Post.
The database does not include company dossiers.
Title list of Swiss sources in Nexis(XLS 18,4 KB)
NZZ online
NZZ and NZZ Folio: 1993 – present
NZZ am Sonntag: 2002 – present
Downloads limited to 50 articles per session.
NZZ Online (German)
Instructions (German)
Website of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It provides access to a wide range of publications, including books, scientific papers and statistics, categorised by topics such as the economy, education, energy and social development. It serves as a central platform for the analysis and data collection of the OECD and other institutions such as the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).
Contains comprehensive information on companies, including banks and insurance companies worldwide. With Orbis, it is possible to analyse individual companies, search according to specific characteristics and perform various assessments.
To create an individual account in which your own search and filter settings can be saved, register using the following access data:
Username: ZFH-register, password: bvdregister
Orbis without Login (German)
Instruction (PDF 639,2 KB) (German)
Open Education Platform for Management Schools (OEPMS)
On the Open Education Platform you will find teaching materials and scientific contributions from all subject areas of economics.
The platform is also available to all interested authors to publish their contributions from various subject areas of economics.
Open Test Archive
Repository for test instruments from various fields of psychology and related disciplines. Test instruments can be downloaded free of charge and are suitable for use in research; some can also be used in teaching and practice.
Contains abstracts from national and international journalists from the field of occupational therapy.
The freely accessible database contains abstracts from systematic reviews and randomised controlled studies for the area of occupational therapy. A team of therapists from the University of Queensland and Western Sydney University are responsible for the development of OTseeker. The studies are assessed with the help of the PEDro scale.
Oxford Bibliographies: Social Work
Bibliography with abstracts on topics in the area of social work.
Oxford Bibliographies: Social Work
Market research database of Euromonitor International. Passport provides a comprehensive data offering for country and market studies, including country data, consumption data, market volume and market size data, forecasts, statistics, profiles for large companies and much more. Visuals and graphical representations provide an overview and help to understand the data.
The reports for Europe (Western and Eastern) and Asia are licensed.
Note on use: enter the ZHAW as the organisation upon first-time use and then log in using your SWITCH edu-ID.
Freely accessible database with references to randomised controlled studies, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. PEDro is produced by the Centre for Evidence-based Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney.
PhysioTools can be used to create personal exercise plans. Client profiles are created or selected and exercises (image and text) are compiled from an extensive library. It is also possible to upload your own exercises and to print out the exercise plan or send it as a link via e-mail.
Password access – please contact the University Library team. ZHAW physiotherapy students receive a username and password via their PBL group. ZHAW physiotherapy students can find usernames and passwords in the infopoint on Moodle.
Physitrack is a tool that allows physiotherapists, occupational therapists and midwives to work together with their patients. It provides video-based exercises that can be done at home with the help of a mobile device. The exercises can be customised to the needs of the patient.
Please note: Physiotherapy students and lecturers of ZHAW are provided with free access. Our instructions(PDF 1,1 MB) (in German) will help you to register.
Instructions for using the database
Policy Commons
The Policy Commons database is one of the largest repositories of grey literature on policy and political economy, providing access to reports from over 30,000 organizations.
Contains full-text articles from journals in the area of psychology. The journals focus on very different areas, including behavioural psychology, experimental psychology, clinical psychology and sport psychology.Contains full-text articles from journals in the area of psychology. The journals focus on very different areas, including behavioural psychology, experimental psychology, clinical psychology and sport psychology.
Database of the American Psychological Association (APA) with critiques of new books, films, videos and software in the area of psychology.
PsycCRITIQUES (no longer updated as of 2018)
Contains references to grey literature from the areas of psychology, behavioural sciences and health sciences. The database lists, among other things, newsletters, articles in newspapers and magazines, research reports, annual reports and information brochures for consumers. Full texts are also available in some cases.
The database has been developed with the aim of providing an overview of the work of authors who publish German-language academic articles in the area of psychology. It contains information on the authors’ current place of employment, career history, research and teaching interests and other academic roles. Its contents are freely accessible.
The video collection provides access to training videos from the areas of counselling, psychotherapy and addiction. The majority of the videos show specialists performing a treatment as well as a pre- and post-treatment discussion.
Contains literature references from international journals in the area of psychology as well as psychologically relevant sub-fields from the realms of medicine, sociology, education, philosophy, sport, criminology, linguistics, economics and law.
Contains published and unpublished scientific psychological test procedures that are not available commercially. The test description specifies the objective, development phases, test contents and test materials as well as the implementation modalities and validation criteria.
Contains several hundred demonstration videos with synchronised, searchable transcripts of therapy sessions with individuals, couples and families from various subject areas in psychology. It is possible to create excerpts of these and to share them with others.
Contains references with short papers of psychological publications by authors from German-speaking countries and audiovisual media. Comprehensive descriptions of psychological intervention programmes are also available. Offered by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) and its cooperation partners.
Inclusion of publications in Psyndex and use of the database (German)
PSYNDEXplus Tests
Contains test procedures dating from the post-war period right through to the present day that are used in German-speaking countries. The entries are indexed with the “Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms”. Offered by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) and its cooperation partners.
Further information (German)
The database PTSDpubs (formerly called PILOTS) is produced by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD. The database provides citations and abstracts to the worldwide literature on PTSD and other psychological effects of trauma.
Freely accessible database for medicine and biomedicine. Covers areas such as dentistry, pre-clinical subjects, healthcare, nursing and veterinary medicine as well as related areas including biology, biochemistry, psychology and sports medicine. The main component is the MEDLINE database, see other ZHAW accesses to the MEDLINE database.
Differences between MEDLINE and PubMed
Freely accessible search interface for psychological literature databases, research data and full texts. The following databases can be searched together: PSYNDEX, PASCAL, ISOC-Psicologia, MEDLINE, ERIC, NARCIS, NORART, PsychOpen and PsychData. Offered by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) and its cooperation partners.
Instruction (German)
The Reaxys chemistry database contains several million entries with information on chemical compounds, physical data, structures and reactions as well as patents from the fields of life sciences and chemistry. The database is updated weekly.
Swiss PR and media directory. Possible to compile distribution lists and to download all PR and media addresses in Excel format.
Access limited to one user at a time – please be sure to log out.
Renteria (access on the intranet – ZHAW login required)
Instructions (PDF 1.4 MB) (without e-mail function, see point 10) (German)
RSC Gold
Access to all journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry, including the archive and magazines. In the case of e-books, the tables of contents are accessible.
Contains references to literature from the area of injury and accident prevention. The database is updated on a weekly basis and is freely accessible.
Full-text database containing specialist knowledge from recognised building experts and building researchers on the full range of issues relating to the occurrence and prevention of damage to buildings and building components. Specific cases of damage are assessed on the basis of current standards and guidelines and according to the latest state of the art. Contains all volumes of the German-language specialist book series “Schadenfreies Bauen”, “Bauschadensfälle”, “Bauschädensammlung” and “Pfusch am Bau”.
Limited to one user at a time.
SCHADIS (German)
Contains full texts of journals and series published by Trans Tech Publications. In addition to its main topics of technology in general and material sciences, it also covers the fields of nanotechnology, mechanical engineering, manufacturing technology, physics and biology.
Contains references, substances and reactions from chemistry and related disciplines such as biochemistry and chemical engineering.
Access only possible for ZHAW members with EduID.
Scopus combines a comprehensive, expert-curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scientific literature from a wide range of disciplines. Analysis and visualization tools simplify work even with large sets of results. The natural sciences, humanities and social sciences are covered.
SNV Connect
A database for standards. The current standards of the following collections are included as full text:
SN (INB, Electrosuisse, SWISSMEM, SIA)
You can download and print these standards from the database.
In addition, the standards extract (NAZ) is accessible online (read only, no download or printing possible).
Social Services Abstracts
Contains bibliographic information on the latest research from the area of social work, human services and related fields, including social welfare, social policy and community development.
Sociological Abstracts
Contains indexes and abstracts for international literature on sociology and related disciplines of social and behavioural sciences.
Social assistance (Sozialhilferecht)
The Sozialhilferecht database is integrated in the Weblaw legal portal. Weblaw includes bibliographic information on Swiss legal literature, including the Swiss Conference for Social Assistance (SKOS) guidelines.
Sozialhilferecht (German, French)
Weblaw (German, French)
Springer Materials
Landolt-Börnstein database with numerical values and functions from the fields of physics, chemistry, technology and material science. In addition to the input of search terms, it is also possible to search for elements and their compounds via a periodic table and structure search. The corrosion rate of materials can also be researched.
SRMO – SAGE Research Methods Online
Information on research methods in the social sciences from books, reference works, dictionaries, journals and videos. Classification or “methods map” to visualise the relationships between the methods. SRMO now also contains “foundation entries” with contributions on the latest methods as well as personal profiles of important researchers.
Freely accessible interactive database of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office for the purposes of creating customised statistical tables. The range of topics covers all areas of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.
Bundles interdisciplinary statistical data from various institutes and sources. Covers a variety of industry categories and offers reports, forecasts and infographics.
The German-language contents as well as the contents of the international modules (English, French and Spanish) are licensed. Click on the globe to change the contents.
Swissdox essentials
Contains most Swiss daily, weekly and Sunday newspapers. It also includes articles from specialist journals, magazines, news agencies, online sources and selected international press titles.
The database offers a news ticker, a search function, full texts, a JPG view of the original and limited newspaper browsing.
Swissdox essentials (German)
Title list (German)
Swiss Food Composition Database
Contains information on the composition of food available in Switzerland. The database is operated by the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO) and is freely accessible.
Complete information on macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat) as well as water, alcohol and energy content is available for all foods included in the database.
Swiss food composition database
Swisslex LEX Campus
LEX campus offers students and members of Swiss higher education institutions and universities access to a comprehensive collection of specialised legal information. In addition, LEX campus offers access to high-quality content from licensed publishers as well as federal and cantonal case law.
Note on use: Access only for ZHAW staff and students. You must also complete the free registration process. Swisslex sets a monthly query limit for student users, which you can view in the client profile area after logging in.
Swisslex LEX Campus (German, French)
Video tutorials (German, French)
Title list (German, French)
SZH literature database
Contains bibliographic information on books and media, journal articles and contributions in collective works. It also includes documents that have not been published by a publishing house, including special needs education documents from the Swiss cantons. The SZH literature database is part of the information platform of the Swiss centre for special education. Most of the documents are freely accessible.
Teacher Reference Center
Reference database for education and pedagogy (assessment, best practice examples, current pedagogical research, curriculum development, elementary education, higher education, teaching media, literacy standards, school administration and teacher training).
TSB – Translation Studies Bibliography
Annotated bibliography on a wide range of translational issues, including theoretical and practical questions on translation and interpreting, intercultural communication, multimedia translation, terminology and documentation.
Provides detailed bibliographic information on journals, series and newspapers.
USP–NF – United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary
Contains the official compendia of requirements for pharmaceuticals, excipients, dietary supplements and other therapeutically used products for the US and various other countries.
Access to the new platform is limited to 20 users and is only possible for ZHAW staff and students after completing the initial registration process. To receive a registration link, please send an e-mail to
VCF – Volatile Compounds in Food database
Contains information about published volatile compounds that can be found in natural (industrially processed) foods. Also contains FEMA GRAS and EU FLAVIS data.
Web of Science Core Collection
Web of Science Core Collection is a multidimensional database with a range of subjects including art, humanities, social sciences, medicine, natural sciences and technology.
Web of Science Core Collection
Contains bibliographic information on Swiss legal literature. It includes various legal journals with an archive, the Lawsearch engine and the social assistance (Sozialhilferecht) database.
Lawsearch provides a comprehensive collection of information with selected documents on legislation, case law and literature. Sources from the federal government, cantons, municipalities, publishing houses and foreign databases are taken into account.
Note on use: In order to use all services (app, push, e-books in the shop, etc.), you require an individual password. The registration process can be completed directly on the Weblaw sites.
Weblaw (German, French)
WEKA Online Produkte
Contains specialist information and practical tools for work in companies and in the area of public administration.
WEKA online products (access on the intranet – ZHAW login required)
Database with various modules. Subscriptions are in place for the following:
Economics: references from German and international specialist literature on business administration and economics and their sub-fields.
Social sciences: references on social sciences, social work, social pedagogy, politics and international relations.
Specialist journals: full texts from journals in the fields of economics, social sciences, business psychology and technology.
WISO (German)
Instruction (German)
zbMath Open
Literature references for the fields of pure and applied mathematics as well as the history of mathematics.
ZH-Lex – Zurich collection of laws
Online version of the loose-leaf collection contains the currently applicable Zurich legislation arranged by subject area. Transitional provisions or repealed provisions are not included in this collection.
Cantonal law is published chronologically in the official compilation of laws. It contains the relevant text of a decree.
ZH-Lex (German)