Databases Engineering
Search our selected discipline-specific reference and full text databases for journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings and much more.
ACM Digital Library
Digital collection that covers the areas of informatics, information technology and computer science. With the exception of e-books, all publications of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), including archive access from 1945 onwards, as well as the "Guide to Computing Literature", which provides bibliographic information on journals of major computer publishers, are included as full texts.
Database of the European Patent Office that lists patents from more than 90 countries. Searches can be conducted in German, English and French. In some cases, the original documents with the relevant illustrations are also included. All content is freely accessible and the database is updated daily.
Research reports and analyses on information technology.
No registration required. Automatic user recognition via ZHAW login. The database is not licensed for continuing education students.
Contains information on the impact of people on the environment and covers topics such as climate change, green building, environmental pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energies and recycling.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library
The IEEE Xplore Digital Library provides full-text access to current literature in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering and computer science published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
It is possible to access the majority of conferences and standards as well as the VDE Verlag Conference Proceedings package. The e-books in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library are not covered by the licence.
Basic knowledge for engineers (manuals, reference works) and interactive calculation tools such as equations, tables, graphs and unit converters for the following seven areas:
Civil Engineering & Construction Materials - Composites - Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation - General Engineering & Project Administration - Manufacturing Engineering - Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering - Sustainable Energy & Development.
Multimedia Fluid Mechanics
The full-text database offers almost 1,000 videos with illustrative demonstrations, animations and simulations to supplement conventional teaching materials in the area of fluid mechanics. It has a modular structure and, in addition to a brief description, contains one or more videos on the topic at hand.
Contains full texts of journals and series published by Trans Tech Publications. In addition to its main topics of technology in general and material sciences, it also covers the fields of nanotechnology, mechanical engineering, manufacturing technology, physics and biology.
Springer Materials
Landolt-Börnstein database with numerical values and functions from the fields of physics, chemistry, technology and material science. In addition to the input of search terms, it is also possible to search for elements and their compounds via a periodic table and structure search. The corrosion rate of materials can also be researched.