Databases Social Work, Social Sciences, Pedagogy
Search our selected discipline-specific reference and full text databases for journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings and much more.
edudoc - Swiss document server for education
Documentation from the fields of educational policy, educational administration, educational planning, educational research and educational developments in Switzerland. A large part of the content is freely accessible.
ERIC - Educational Resources Information Center Database
Since 1966, ERIC has primarily listed English-language literature (such as books, journal articles and research and conference reports) with brief summaries of the contents in all areas of pedagogy (school and educational systems, preschool education, special education, schools and universities, teacher training, adult education, vocational training).
Education Research Portal
Search portal of the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education. It contains scientific literature, research data and tools from the subject area of pedagogy and is primarily aimed at those involved in educational research and practice. The search portal also includes the peDOCS repository, among others.
Detailed information on the search process
German Education Index
Provides literature references on all sub-areas of education (monographs, contributions to edited volumes and journal articles). This database is maintained by the Educational Information System (FIS Bildung) together with its cooperation partners from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Cooperation partners of the German Education Index
FORS - Swiss Foundation for Research in Social Sciences
Collects and distributes complex data sets and publishes current research results. In keeping with the FORS principle, this social science data is accessible free of charge as it is collected with public funds. COMPASS (public statistics), FORSbase (research inventory) and the DARIS data service are important components.
In gesis - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften you'll find information about social science research data, publications on research data as well as open access publications.
IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
Bibliography from the field of social sciences. It includes both references to books and journal articles.
Oxford Bibliographies: Social Work
Bibliography with abstracts on topics in the area of social work.
Oxford Bibliographies: Social Work
Policy Commons
The Policy Commons database is one of the largest repositories of grey literature on policy and political economy, providing access to reports from over 30,000 organizations.
Social Services Abstracts
Contains bibliographic information on the latest research from the area of social work, human services and related fields, including social welfare, social policy and community development.
Sociological Abstracts
Contains indexes and abstracts for international literature on sociology and related disciplines of social and behavioural sciences.
Social assistance (Sozialhilferecht)
The Sozialhilferecht database is integrated in the Weblaw legal portal. Weblaw includes bibliographic information on Swiss legal literature, including the Swiss Conference for Social Assistance (SKOS) guidelines.
Sozialhilferecht (German, French)
Weblaw (German, French)
Swisslex LEX Campus
LEX campus offers students and members of Swiss higher education institutions and universities access to a comprehensive collection of specialised legal information. In addition, LEX campus offers access to high-quality content from licensed publishers as well as federal and cantonal case law.
Note on use: Access only for ZHAW staff and students. You must also complete the free registration process. Swisslex sets a monthly query limit for student users, which you can view in the client profile area after logging in.
Swisslex LEX Campus (German, French)
Video tutorials (German, French)
Title list (German, French)
Teacher Reference Center
Reference database for education and pedagogy (assessment, best practice examples, current pedagogical research, curriculum development, elementary education, higher education, teaching media, literacy standards, school administration and teacher training).
Database with various modules. Subscriptions are in place for the following:
Economics: references from German and international specialist literature on business administration and economics and their sub-fields.
Social sciences: references on social sciences, social work, social pedagogy, politics and international relations.
Specialist journals: full texts from journals in the fields of economics, social sciences, business psychology and technology.
WISO (German)
Instruction (German)