SwissText 2018 - submit a presentation
We invite you to submit a presentation to the 3rd Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText 2018), which takes place on June 12-13 in Winterthur.
Please see below for details on presentations types and how you can contribute to the conference.
Contributions to SwissText 2018
The conference will have two tracks:
- Swiss Track, with a strong focus on Swiss industry and research. This track constitutes the continuation of last years conference setting.
- Scientific Track, with technical research papers from the international community.
Submissions will be reviewed by more than 60 Swiss and international experts. Scientific papers and abstracts of the "Swiss Track" presentations will be published in the conference proceedings.
For details, see below or open the Call for Presentations.
Tutorials: We are also looking for experts from academia or industry who want to organize a workshop or tutorial. For details, see the Call for Tutorials.
About SwissText
SwissText is an annual conference that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia. It is funded by the Swiss National Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI), co-organized by the Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services, and supported by more than 10 Swiss universities and scientific associations. The first edition of the conference was held in 2016 with more than 170 participants and a distinguished lineup of speakers from international IT giants such as Google and IBM, Swiss companies (e.g. SwissCom) and startups, and several universities, with over 30 presentations and posters. Due to the success of the second edition of the conference in 2017 with even more attendees, SwissText 2018 will be held on two days for the first time. We expect similar number of participants and contributions for 2018. The 2018 edition will also produce proceedings of the scientific contributions.
Swiss Track
The goal of the Swiss Track is to bring together experts from Swiss industry and academia. For this track, we are looking for presentations with a certain "Swissness" factor:
- Your company or university is located in Switzerland;
- You provide a text analytics solution for one (or more) of the languages of Switzerland (including Swiss dialects);
- Your product focuses primarily on the Swiss market;
- Or any other factor that connects your presentation to Switzerland.
Presentations can be:
- Showcases
- Demos
- Applications
- Resources
- Research results
- Or any other contribution that is interesting to the audience.
In this track, we also welcome scientific contributions that were already published in other conferences or journals - as long as they have a Swissness factor.
For this track, only a short abstract (up to 1500 characters) has to be submitted, along with a CV of the presenter (max 500 chars) and the intended audience (e.g. developers, decision makers, project managers, max. 300 chars). All data is entered online via EasyChair.
Note: If you intend to publish a full scientific paper with a Swiss-related topic, please submit it to the Scientific Track.
Scientific Track
Please see the Call for Presentations for details on the Scientific Track.
Presentation Types
Accepted submissions will be presented orally or as posters, as determined by the program committee. All presentations are in English, and will be listed in the conference program booklet.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: March 2, 2018
- Author Notification: April 16, 2018
- Camera Ready: April 30, 2018
- Conference: June 12-13, 2018
Submissions are possible via EasyChair.