1. Digital Health Lab Webinar

The webinar on the 7th of September will be about:
ExerUP!: Design and evaluation of a digital exergame-based solution for an effective and attractive sports rehabilitation by Michelle Haas (ZHAW)
Zoom-Link: https://zhaw.zoom.us/j/66287695096?pwd=ZHRrS25GdTdZbm1ScVptSzAvTUJPUT09
Abstract: Exergaming combines physical movement with games that are entertaining, motivating and challenging. The ExerCube ensures optimal physical and cognitive challenge, which offers enormous potential for application in sports rehabilitation. The study investigates the potential of the ExerCube in rehabilitation after knee injury.
We present the current status of the project, including the new Exergame, which was developed as part of the project and is already available at the Exercube sites.
Short biography: BSc & MSc ETH Health Sciences and Technology, doing research since 2021 at ZHAW in the movement laboratory focusing on new technologies in rehabilitation and recently open research data.