Foster Care Placement Breakdown
The study aims to generate and transfer knowledge to stabilise foster care placements for Swiss children and young people. More specific objectives are to:
- identify factors associated with unexpected termination (breakdown) of long term foster -care placements
- understand the process leading to breakdown by a multi-perspective- reconstruction in an analytic model of interdependencies
- draw conclusions from international comparisons for professional impact
- develop transferable knowledge in cooperation with Swiss stakeholders in the area of foster care
Placements Breakdown is not seen as an “antithesis of stability” (Backe-Hansen, 2010) or a static moment where everything falls apart. Breakdown is understood as a process on several levels: the situation of the child before the placement, the placing situation, the appearance of the crisis as well as the actual breakdown event and the consequences for all actors involved. The main influences on foster care stability and/or breakdown will be analysed by showing how they can reinforce, relativise and cancel each other out. In a multi-perspective reconstruction of breakdown processes gathered via interdependence models, different perspectives will be included (professionals, foster carer, birth parents, foster child).
Germany and England are selected to maximise international learning from countries with similar and high rates of placement breakdown but differences regarding total population, organisation and development of the child care system and current state of research in this field. The project collaborates with a national foster care NGO (Pflegekinder-Aktion Schweiz), a national child care NGO (Integras) and selected Swiss administrative bodies (Zurich, Bern and others). An international scientific board of researchers will support the study.
Key Data
Project team
Clara Bombach, Bujare Ibrahimi, Prof. Dr. Karin Werner
Project partners
Universität Siegen; UCL Institute of Education; Pflege- und Adoptivkinder Schweiz PACH; INTEGRAS Fachverband Sozial- und Sonderpädagogik
Project status
completed, 09/2014 - 01/2019
Funding partner
Jacobs Foundation
Project budget
348'600 CHF
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2020 Bombach, Clara; Gabriel, Thomas; Stohler, Renate; Werner, Karin
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2019 Stohler, Renate; Werner, Karin
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2019 Reimer, Daniela
Unerwartete Abbrüche von Pflegeverhältnissen im Kindes- und Jugendalter
2018 Stohler, Renate
Abbrüche von Pflegeverhältnissen im Kinder- und Jugendalter : die Perspektive der Kinder
2018 Bombach, Clara; Reimer, Daniela
Die ungeplante Austrittsgestaltung aus Pflegefamilien : eine konzeptionelle Lücke in der Pflegekinderhilfe der Schweiz
2018 Bombach, Clara; Gabriel, Thomas; Stohler, Renate; Werner, Karin
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2018 Bombach, Clara; Gabriel, Thomas; Stohler, Renate; Werner, Karin
Acknowledging the complexity of processes leading to foster care breakdown
2018 Bombach, Clara; Gabriel, Thomas; Stohler, Renate
"Und dann wusste ich, ich gehöre nicht mehr dazu." Perspektiven von Kindern auf Abbrüche in der Pflegekinderhilfe
2018 Bombach, Clara
"That someone understands my view of what that's like for me" : the view of the foster children on their foster care breakdown processes
2018 Bombach, Clara
Foster care breakdown : Perspektiven auf unerwartete Abbrüche von Pflegeverhältnissen im Kinder- und Jugendalter
2017 Bombach, Clara; Gabriel, Thomas
Foster care breakdown : perspectives of the child
2016 Bombach, Clara; Stohler, Renate
Processes leading to foster care placement breakdown in Switzerland
2016 Bombach, Clara; Stohler, Renate
Foster care placement breakdown
2016 Bombach, Clara
Processes leading to breakdown of foster care placements
2015 Cameron, Claire; Bombach, Clara; Jespersen, Andy; Stohler, Renate
Eskalation und Abbruchprozesse in der Pflegekinderhilfe
2015 Bombach, Clara; Jespersen, Andy