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BEGIN Vocational and social integration of immigrants with the aid of a multigenerational mentoring programme


BEGIN aims to support and evaluate the vocational training and career start of immigrants in the field of basic nursing by means of a mentoring programme that was specifically developed based on professional didactics. In close collaboration with the basic training as a healthcare aide offered by the Swiss Red Cross, referred to as 'Lehrgang Pflegehelferin/Pflegehelfer SRK', we are developing a mentoring programme where older volunteers utilize their social and cultural competencies to support younger immigrants as they complete basic training and enter the career. This not only serves to promote career integration of immigrants in a vocational field that has a shortage of trained workers but also at the same time fosters solidarity between the generations.

Key Data


Prof. Dr. Jonathan Bennett


Dr. Michèle Métrailler, Prof. Dr. Beate Schwarz

Project team

Céline Härri, Peter Indergand, Cécile Neuenschwander, Diana Romano

Project partners

Berner Fachhochschule BFH / Institut Alter; Fachhochschule Graubünden; Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Kanton Bern

Project status

completed, 03/2017 - 12/2019

Funding partner

Gebert Rüf Stiftung / BREF Programm