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HIT to LEAD to Preclinical Candidate development of a Transcription Repressor Inhibitory Compound (TRIC) that increases antibiotic susceptibility of multidrug resistant staphylococci


A new and highly innovative treatment will be realized by a novel and patentable small molecule combinatorial drug candidate for the treatment of antibiotic resistance in multi-resistant, pathogenic staphylococci. The consortium integrates a screening platform, biophysical characterization of small molecules, medicinal chemistry, high-end characterization of mode of action and the in vivo mouse models, to develop initial HIT compounds into preclinical candidates.

Key Data

Project team

Dr. Mathieu Chellat, Luka Raguz

Project partners

BioVersys AG

Project status

completed, 09/2013 - 08/2015

Funding partner

KTI-Projekt / Projekt Nr. 15235.1 PFLS-LS

Project budget

1'979'276 CHF