How to Reach Swiss Digital Natives with News. A Qualitative Study
Information services for young people today have to meet different requirements than those offered by traditional media. Innovations in this area require both structural changes and new ways of thinking in editorial offices as well as new media formats that anticipate technological and social developments and the media behavior of young people, e.g. their media consumption via smartphones and on social media platforms. In this context, the question of the media competence of digital natives also arises. This is where our project comes in: The understanding of news and the use of news by young people, i.e: (i) the demands and expectations of young people with regard to news offerings, (ii) their media behavior and the activities associated with news consumption, and (iii) their media competence in dealing with news. The special features of the multilingual Swiss media landscape are alos taken into account.
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Gnach, Prof. Dr. Guido Keel, Prof. Dr. Wibke Weber
Project team
Dr. Eleonora Benecchi (USI), Prof. Dr. Marcel Burger (UNIL), Luca Calderara (USI), Nadine Klopfenstein Frei, Petra Mazzoni (USI), Valery Wyss
Project partners
Université de Lausanne; Università della Svizzera italiana
Project status
completed, 06/2019 - 12/2020
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Kommunikation BAKOM
Project budget
125'000 CHF
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Do you get the news? : drei Faktoren, die den Nachrichtenkonsum von Schweizer Jugendlichen im Alter von 12 bis 20 Jahren beeinflussen
2022 Klopfenstein Frei, Nadine
Understanding the news culture of young people
2021 Weber, Wibke; Gnach, Aleksandra; Klopfenstein Frei, Nadine
Das Smartphone-Tagebuch in der Mediennutzungsforschung : ein qualitativer Methodenansatz unter der Lupe
2021 Koch, Carmen; Klopfenstein Frei, Nadine; Herrmann, Iris
How to reach Swiss digital natives with news : a qualitative study
2021 Gnach, Aleksandra; Keel, Guido; Klopfenstein Frei, Nadine; Weber, Wibke; Wyss, Valery; Burger, Marcel; Benecchi, Eleonora; Calderara, Luca; Mazzoni, Petra
News Literacy bei Deutschschweizer Medien-Start-Ups : wie junge Medien versuchen Vermittlungskompetenzen aufzubauen, um eine junge Zielgruppe zu erreichen und woran sie scheitern können
2020 Klopfenstein Frei, Nadine
Youth and news media : how the structural environment influences news consumption of young people
2020 Klopfenstein Frei, Nadine