Eco-faunistic and vegetation assessment and optimisation of green roof areas

Within the framework of the action plan for the implementation of the Swiss Biodiversity Strategy, scientific principles and findings on the ecological compensation potential of greening buildings are to be developed. On this basis, existing instruments for the implementation and promotion of biodiversity in urban areas will be reviewed and further developed. The Urban Ecology Research Group of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW (Institute for Environment and Natural Resources) was invited by Dr. Franziska Humair of the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN to submit an offer for a research project entitled "Eco-faunistic and vegetation-technical assessment and optimisation of green roofs in the context of promoting biodiversity in urban areas".Research project:In the context of the implementation of the Swiss Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan, an optimisation of the ecological infrastructure by means of a success control and a synthesis report on the ecological compensation potential of green roof areas is to be elaborated in the area of the generation of expert and practical knowledge.This will create a basis for authorities (model building regulations for zoning and supplementary guidelines) and standards (SIA) with regard to the optimised promotion of native flora and fauna and climate adaptation. Secondly, the networking potential (functionality in the meta-population network of species) of green roof areas for habitats and their species will be determined in the context of the promotion of indigenous biodiversity. For practical application, the research results obtained so far as well as additional knowledge gained in a targeted manner are to be processed. Gaps in knowledge on the promotion of biodiversity in settlement areas in the area of greening buildings and native flora and fauna worthy of protection are to be closed.
Key Data
Deputy Projectlead
Project team
Lorenz Achtnich, Lieve Dierckx, Silvan Oberhänsli, Rafael Schneider
Project status
completed, 07/2019 - 12/2022
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU
Project budget
470'000 CHF