Re@dy4 sustainable electricity?
Consumer preferences for renewable energy sources
In recent years, consumers have become more willing to bear additional costs for ensuring a sustainable energy supply. Nevertheless, little is known about consumers' exact willingness to pay for renewable energies. In order to be able to provide an efficient energy mix that corresponds to customer preferences, it is essential to obtain more precise information in this regard. For this reason, the present project aims at providing a precise, quantitative estimate of consumers' willingness to pay for various renewable energies. In particular, we will use a novel method to determine the price preferences of household customers for different characteristics of renewable energies. Thus, we will enable our project partner to provide an optimal electricity mix to her customers, which offers the most valued properties at a fair price.
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Andreas Nicklisch
Deputy Projectlead
Project team
Project partners
Fachhochschule Graubünden; BKW Energie AG
Project status
completed, 02/2020 - 03/2021
Funding partner
BKW Energie AG (BKW-Förderfonds)
Project budget
77'360 CHF