LeMiG – Food waste in Swiss green waste
Field study for the survey and quantitative analysis of food waste in Swiss green waste

The composition of separately collected green waste from Swiss households was determined by means of a survey campaign of green waste collections upon delivery to green waste recycling plants. The survey campaign took into account the urban, peri-urban and rural community typologies according to spatial classification. The analysis of the composition was based on the categories of Swiss municipal solid waste analyses used to date, especially the biogenic waste fraction with its sub-fractions garden waste, meat/fish (still edible), other foodstuffs (still edible) and kitchen waste. In addition, the content of plastics and other foreign matter has been recorded.
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Urs Baier, Susanna Hüsch
Project team
Lena Breitenmoser, Thomas Gross, Yves Moser, Florian Rüsch
Project partners
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW / Institut für Ecopreneurship
Project status
completed, 09/2017 - 08/2018
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU
Project budget
96'000 CHF