Supporting the adoption of FAIR and reproducible digital scholarship with Renku
The goal of this project is to significantly increase the visibility ofa mature solution, anticipating the adoption of Renku as a tool toimprove research management in Switzerland, leveraging existingknowledge, resources and networks built in the context of past andcurrent projects supported by swissuniversities. This approach will bebased on the Renku platform, a pragmatic and intuitive approach to gooddata and code management, and therefore a valuable entry point for theimplementation of reproducible, FAIR and collaborative science in thedigital age.We contribute demonstration and improvements.Demonstration: Using Renku to manage research output (raw data fromcontinuous experiments at daily and hourly intervals, augmented andannotated insights data, publications, tooling, testbed) of theMicroservice Artefact Observatory (MAO) coordinated by ZHAW andinvolving academic partners from eight countries.Improvements: Applying the same observatory in batch and CI/CD(continuous integration/continuous deployment) mode to ensure the Renkusoftware artefacts (Helm charts, language-specific) adhere to highquality standards, leading to preservation of Renku’s softwaredevelopment history through Renku itself.
Key Data
Project team
Panagiotis Gkikopoulos
Project partners
Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ETH; Hochschule Luzern
Project status
completed, 01/2020 - 12/2020
Funding partner
Projektgebundene Beiträge / P-5 Wissenschaftliche Information