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Empirical analysis of the willingness to participate in voluntary driver safety training courses


Driving safety training (DST) is an important post-licensing and voluntary measure after obtaining a driving licence, which is generally regarded by experts as accident-preventive. Although the focus is generally more on young drivers as the target group for DST, the increasing automation in vehicle traffic is creating more challenges for drivers, which can only be met by experiencing the limitations of vehicle technology in a realistic way.Contrary to the usefulness of DST considered by experts, however, young drivers, for example, were less enthusiastic about participating. In addition, the number of DST participants can be increased in order to further improve safety on Swiss roads. However, the question arises as to how motor vehicle drivers in general can be motivated to take part in DST.The present empirical analysis is intended to identify new findings regarding the respective motivations on the basis of previous (non-)participants.

Key Data

Project status

completed, 05/2020 - 12/2021

Funding partner

Fonds für Verkehrssicherheit FVS