inklusiv plus: Mental health of unemployed young people
Integration of young people with mental disorders in the labour market
In Switzerland, nearly one out of six young persons (16%) has no occupational solution after completing compulsory education. Young people who have found no option after completing compulsory education more frequently have mental impairments and disorders than young people who begin an apprenticeship or go on to upper secondary schooling (Sabatella & von Wyl, 2014). This may be because not having a training place/apprenticeship causes psychological stress. But often it is also that many young people do not find an apprenticeship precisely because of a mental disorder. In these cases, early intervention is important, as studies have shown that the course of an illness can be positively influenced if it is treated early and without delay (Stein et al., 2003). Through this, the young people’s further development is not impaired, and their occupational and personal future prospects remain good. In contrast, it has been found that the longer the delay before treating a mental disorder, the greater the risk that it will become chronic.Study Design"Inklusiv plus" builds on the preliminary project. A ZHAW psychotherapist will join the team of the work integration programme, with the aim to improve the integration of young people with mental disorders into the labour market. Eight work integration programmes are part of the study. The group size for the group module will be limited to max. 8 participants. Using selected indicators, resulting changes will be measured at three measurement time points (entering the programme, leaving the programme, 6 months after leaving the programme). The group size for the group module will be limited to max. 8 participants. At three measurement time points (entering the programme, leaving the programme, 6 months after leaving the programme) we will use selected indicators to measure what changes have resulted.
Key Data
Project team
Aurel Beck, Cäcilia Bürdel Müller, Stefanie Martina Fluri, Christina Fähndrich, Tabea Hauf, Sophie Schneider, Samuel Stierli, Ran Michael Wehrli, Sibylle Würgler
Project partners
Stadt Bern / Kompetenzzentrum Arbeit Bern; Hilfswerk der evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz HEKS / KICK Burgdorf; The Büez GmbH; rheinspringen GmbH; fit4job GmbH; Stiftung SAG / SEMO - Die Berufsfirma; lifetime health GmbH; Stiftung Zukunft Thurgau
Project status
completed, 08/2020 - 06/2023
Funding partner
Innovationsprojekt / Projekt Nr. 43524.1 IP-SBM
Project budget
650'000 CHF
Further documents and links
«inklusiv plus» : group psychotherapy for young people and emerging adults in vocational integration programs
2024 von Wyl, Agnes
Psychothérapie et programmes de transition
2023 Sabatella, Filomena; Wehrli, Ran Michael; von Wyl, Agnes
«inclusive» : group counseling in a non-clinical setting for emerging adults in transition
2022 von Wyl, Agnes; Sabatella, Filomena; Wehrli, Ran Michael
«inclusive plus» : group psychotherapy for young people and emerging adults in work integration programs
2022 von Wyl, Agnes; Sabatella, Filomena; Wehrli, Ran Michael
«inklusiv plus» : Implementierung von Gruppentherapie in Motivationssemestern
2022 von Wyl, Agnes; Sabatella, Filomena; Wehrli, Ran Michael
Beratung und Psychotherapie im Übergang I
2022 Wehrli, Ran Michael; Sabatella, Filomena; von Wyl, Agnes
«inclusive plus» : adapting group therapy to a non-clinical setting for youth and emerging adults in transition
2022 Wehrli, Ran Michael; Sabatella, Filomena; von Wyl, Agnes
Projekt «inklusiv plus» bei Lifetime Health : Gruppenpsychotherapie in der Arbeitsintegration
2022 Sabatella, Filomena; Wehrli, Ran Michael; von Wyl, Agnes
«inklusiv plus» : Psychotherapie in einem nicht-klinischen Setting
2022 Sabatella, Filomena; Wehrli, Ran Michael
«inklusiv plus»: wenn der Berg nicht zum Propheten kommt, muss der Prophet zum Berg kommen
2022 Sabatella, Filomena
"inclusive" : group counseling in a non-clinical setting for emerging adults in transition
2021 von Wyl, Agnes; Sabatella, Filomena; Wehrli, Ran Michael
«inklusiv plus» : aktueller Stand
2021 von Wyl, Agnes; Sabatella, Filomena; Wehrli, Ran Michael
Herausforderungen am Übergang Schule-Beruf
2021 Sabatella, Filomena; von Wyl, Agnes; Wehrli, Ran Michael