Digital Literacy Skills in University Contexts (DigLit)
Writing in most contexts today is done with digital, computer-assisted support. Technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) such as intelligent tutoring (IT), automated writing evaluation (AWE), automated text production (ATP) and machine translation (MT) present new opportunities, perspectives, and risks for tertiary education. The challenge in university contexts is to determine how the advantages of AI-related technology can be leveraged in language teaching and academic writing while minimizing potential issues such as ineffective communication, miscommunication, and misuse (e.g. plagiarism).
The main goal of the project is to show how they can be brought systematically into classrooms and coaching as surrogates for how to exploit AI in education, empowering lecturers and students by demonstrating how smart machines can help students to improve their literacy skills. In order to meet this goal, we will evaluate the applicability of various types of digital multilingual reading and writing support in Swiss universities and heighten current and potential users’ awareness of the opportunities and risks they entail.
Key Data
Project team
Dr. Curtis Gautschi, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hoefele, Dr. Andrea Hunziker Heeb, Prof. Dr. Otto Kruse, Dr. Christian Rapp, Dr. Maren Runte, Romina Schaub-Torsello, Elana Summers, Mattia Turra, Malgorzata Anna Ulasik
Project partners
Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich PHZH; Berner Fachhochschule BFH; Université de Neuchâtel
Project status
completed, 01/2021 - 12/2024
Funding partner
Projektgebundene Beiträge / P-8 Digital Skills
Project budget
2'060'000 CHF
Further documents and links
Using synthetic sentences for developing a corpus-based feedback service for student writing
2024 Runte, Maren; Mahlow, Cerstin; Ulasik, Malgorzata Anna; Cho, Sooyeon
Intérêt, mépris, peur, soulagement et plaisir : la palette des émotions élicitées par les outils d’IA générative
2024 Cotelli Kureth, Sara; Lehr, Caroline
Towards implementing a module for automated writing feedback
2023 Ulasik, Malgorzata Anna; Runte, Maren; Mahlow, Cerstin; Stahlhut, Laura; Gautschi, Curtis
A new role for translators and trainers: MT literacy consultants
2023 Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Delorme Benites, Alice; Lehr, Caroline
La traduction automatique en classe de langue : comment nos étudiant-es l’utilisent et comment pouvons-nous la prendre en compte?
2023 Delorme Benites, Alice; Cotelli Kureth, Sara
Machine translation literacy for academic writing
2023 Delorme Benites, Alice; Cotelli Kureth, Sara
Wenn die Künstliche Intelligenz die Schulbank drückt : Einblicke in die Funktionsweise, Potenziale und Gefahren von KI im Fremdsprachenunterricht
2023 Delorme Benites, Alice
Tackling the elephant in the language classroom : introducing machine translation literacy in a Swiss language centre
2023 Cotelli Kureth, Sara; Summers, Elana
Nutzung von INCEpTION zur Entwicklung und Verwendung von Auszeichnungsrichtlinien für Textprozeduren
2022 Runte, Maren; Mahlow, Cerstin; Ulasik, Malgorzata Anna; Hoefele, Joachim; Opacic, Aleksandra
Maschinelle Übersetzung und automatische Textgenerierung : was ist wichtig für den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz in der Lehre?
2022 Lehr, Caroline; Delorme Benites, Alice; Cotelli, Sara; Steele, Elizabeth
Neural machine translation and language teaching : possible implications for the CEFR
2022 Delorme Benites, Alice; Lehr, Caroline
Machine translation literacy für den DaF/DaZ-Unterricht : Chancen und Herausforderungen
2022 Delorme Benites, Alice; Lehr, Caroline
Let’s talk about MT : raising awareness in Swiss universities
2022 Delorme Benites, Alice; Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; Steele, Elizabeth; Cotelli, Sara; Lehr, Caroline
I looked it up in DeepL : online dictionaries and online machine translation
2022 Delorme Benites, Alice; Cotelli Kureth, Sara; Lehr, Caroline; Steele, Elizabeth; Franciello, Laura
Développer une approche raisonnée de la traduction automatique dans les hautes écoles suisses
2022 Cotelli Kureth, Sara; Delorme Benites, Alice; Haller, Mara; Lehr, Caroline; Noghrechi, Hasti; Steele, Elizabeth
Leveraging MT Literacy (panel)
2021 Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen; O'Brien, Sharon
NMT Literacy for future language professionals : changing perceptions
2021 Delorme Benites, Alice; Lehr, Caroline
Machine translation literacy and language teaching
2021 Delorme Benites, Alice; Cotelli Kureth, Sara; Lehr, Caroline; Steele, Elizabeth
Machine translation literacy : a panorama of practices at Swiss universities and implications for language teaching
2021 Delorme Benites, Alice; Cotelli Kureth, Sara; Lehr, Caroline; Steele, Elizabeth
Machine translation in the language classroom : Swiss data
2021 Cotelli Kureth, Sara; Delorme Benites, Alice; Lehr, Caroline; Steele, Elizabeth