P4Play - European doctoral program for occupational science
P4PLAY is a doctoral programme for occupational therapists, funded as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action by the Horizon Europe funding programme of the EU. P4PLAY stands for the four dimensions "People", "Place", "Policy" and "Practice" and aims to explore knowledge about children's play and the consequences of a lack of play opportunities in order to develop innovative and creative solutions so that all children can live out their right to Play.
The following two projects are included: - P4PLAY – The evaluation of children’s outdoor play: An instrument of environmental qualities on public playground and P4PLAY – Designing for play combining Universal Design and natural elements in community playspacesP4PLAY – The evaluation of children’s outdoor play: An instrument of environmental qualities on public playground Playgrounds are considered by children and families with and without disability as important environments (e.g. Lynch et al., 2020). Previous research indicated that playgrounds are frequently built with an adult centred perspective, which do not consider play provision from a child’s perspective (e.g. Burke, 2005). To have the users in mind is especially important when playgrounds need to provide outdoor play opportunities for a diverse population including children with and without disabilities, ages, genders, cultural backgrounds and others. One way to understand play provision on public playgrounds for diverse users is to investigate in environmental qualities of playgrounds. Such an inquirer might give an understanding what playgrounds currently encompasses as well as what might be needed for a good play provision. Moreover, by having the end users of playgrounds in mind an investigation in environmental qualities will allow research and practitioner to identify supporting and hindering environmental qualities in play provision. The overall aim of this research is to develop an evidence-informed instrument that will support the analysis of environmental qualities of public playgrounds, that supports inclusion, and play participation. Secondary aims are to develop a conceptual framework on how the environmental qualities influence outdoor play participation on the public playground from a user perspective in order, first to construct a usable instrument, second to gain consent on test content, and third to determine the cross-regional validity as well as reliability of this instrument. P4PLAY – Designing for play combining Universal Design and natural elements in community playspaces Outdoor playgrounds are important places for children to play and socially interact with others (Prellwitz & Skär, 2007). However, children with disabilities often face challenges in accessing and using playgrounds (Moore & Lynch, 2015). In order to overcome these challenges, Universal Design has been proposed to design inclusive playgrounds for all children. Despite this recommendation, Universal Design is rarely applied in the design of playgrounds today. Thus, this doctoral project aims to add knowledge from the perspective of children, playground providers and experts in Universal Design to the design of inclusive playgrounds.
Key Data
Deputy Projectlead
Dr. Helen Lynch, Dr. Duncan Pentland, Dr. Maria Prellwitz
Project team
Cerunne Bouts, Dr. Ger Craddock, Thomas Morgenthaler, Ines Wenger
Project partners
Luleå University of Technology; University College Cork; The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design; Queen Margaret University - School of Health Sciences / Division of Occupational Therapy and Arts Therapies; De Speeltvinbende
Project status
completed, 12/2020 - 01/2025
Funding partner
Horizon 2020 / Projekt Nr. 861257
Further documents and links
Using the theory of affordances to understand environment-play transactions : environmental taxonomy of outdoor play space features – a scoping review
2024 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Lynch, Helen; Loebach, Janet; Pentland, Duncan; Schulze, Christina
Belonging on playgrounds : focusing on children’s play occupations to enhance inclusive design
2023 Wenger, Ines; Prellwitz, Maria; Lynch, Helen; Schulze, Christina
Creating inclusive environments for play : can Universal Design address children’s needs and wishes?
2023 Wenger, Ines; Prellwitz, Maria; Lynch, Helen; Schulze, Christina
Children’s experiences of playground characteristics that contribute to play value and inclusion : insights from a meta-ethnography
2023 Wenger, Ines; Lynch, Helen; Prellwitz, Maria; Schulze, Christina
Making secret hiding places : an occupation of childhood
2023 Wenger, Ines; Kantartzis, Sarah; Lynch, Helen; Schulze, Christina; Jackson, Jeanne
Adopting an affordance taxonomy to better understand play transactions within playgrounds
2023 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Schulze, Christina; Pentland, Duncan; Lynch, Helen
Environmental qualities that enhance outdoor play in community playgrounds from the perspective of children with and without disabilities : a scoping review
2023 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Schulze, Christina; Pentland, Duncan; Lynch, Helen
Introducing a new audit to investigate play value for inclusion in community playgrounds
2023 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Lynch, Helen; Pentland, Duncan; Schulze, Christina
Playspaces within playspaces : exploring children’s experiences of play occupation within playgrounds
2022 Wenger, Ines; Prellwitz, Maria; Schulze, Christina; Lynch, Helen
Start the inclusive playground r-evolution : identifying aspects to promote social inclusion
2022 Wenger, Ines; Prellwitz, Maria; Schulze, Christina
Designing inclusive playgrounds in Switzerland : why is it so complex?
2022 Wenger, Ines; Prellwitz, Maria; Lundström, Ulrica; Lynch, Helen; Schulze, Christina
Playgrounds for all! : the centrality of the social environment in playground design
2022 Wenger, Ines
Betätigung im Mittelpunkt : SPIELEN als Chance zur Interdisziplinarität
2022 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Vinçon, Sabine
Playing outdoor : a review of instruments that assess play value of community playgrounds for innovative context-based occupational therapy
2022 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Schulze, Christina; Lynch, Helen; Pentland, Duncan
Slidable, climbable, hidable : exploring the theory of affordances for understanding person-environment transaction
2022 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Schulze, Christina; Jackson, Jeanne; Kantartzis, Sarah; Lynch, Helen
Spiel, Spass und Spannung am Spielplatz : welche Rolle spielt die Umwelt?
2022 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Schulze, Christina
Can we play together? : inclusive playgrounds as an example to enhance resilience in public spaces
2021 Wenger, Ines; Schulze, Christina; Lundström, Ulrica; Prellwitz, Maria
If I could build... : empowering the voices of children with disabilities in playground planning
2021 Wenger, Ines; Morgenthaler, Thomas; Schulze, Christina
P4PLAY: researching people, place, policy and practice for play from the lens of occupational science : innovative evidence-informed solutions in school and community contexts
2021 Morgenthaler, Thomas; Bergin, Michelle; Schulze, Christina; Prellwitz, Maria; Lynch, Helen; Boyle, Bryan; Lilija, Magareta; Pentland, Duncan
P4PLAY: researching people, place, policy and practice for play from the lens of occupational science : "Oh’ the places you’ll go: children’s adventures in real world and digital playgrounds"
2021 Loudoun, Fiona; Wenger, Ines; Boyle, Brian; Larsson-Lund, Maria; Prellwitz, Maria; Lynch, Helen; Schulze, Christina