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Decarbonisation of Cooling and Heating in Switzerland (SWEET DeCarbCH)


DeCarbCH is a research project sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy’s “SWEET” programme (Call 1-2020) and coordinated by the University of Geneva. The DeCarbCH project addresses the colossal challenge of decarbonisation of heating and cooling in Switzerland within three decades and it prepares the grounds for negative CO2 emissions. The overall objective of the project (with the ultimate target of net zero emissions) is to facilitate, speed up and de-risk the implementation of renewables for heating and cooling in the residential sector (for various scales and degrees of urbanization) as well as for the service and the industry sector.

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Project partners

Université de Genève; Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt EMPA; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ETH; Hochschule Luzern; Ostschweizer Fachhochschule OST; Centre de Recherches Energétiques et Municipales CREM; Institut für Nachhaltigkeits- und Demokratiepolitik INDP; Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI

Project status

ongoing, started 06/2021

Funding partner

Bundesamt für Energie BFE / Energieforschungsprogramm SWEET

Project budget

1'200'000 CHF