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Safety-relevant competences and aptitude for driving (partially) automated vehicles


Developments in automated driving have the potential to fundamentally change road traffic and can reduce the risk of accidents. It can be assumed that in the future, traffic will become increasingly complex, traffic space will become denser, vehicle control will become more automated and the human-machine-interaction will become more demanding. It is clear that the tasks and demands on the safety-relevant skills of drivers will change significantly.

From the perspective of driver education and training, the central question is what future drivers of (partially) automated vehicles will have to be able to do at all or, what they will have to be able to do additionally. There is an urgent need to determine new copetence requirements based on different levels of automation according to current knowledge and to anticipate them continuously in good time in order to integrate them into driver training and courses for experienced drivers.In this context, not only the safety-relevant training content (e.g. technical functionality of the automation systems), but also the appropriate teaching methods (e.g. manual, simulation, tutorial, etc.) for training and testing are of particular importance. Within the framework of this project, a compilation of safety-relevant contents and methods for training and testing of drivers of automated vehicles is being carried out.

Key Data


Dr. Markus Deublein

Deputy Projectlead

Project team

Project partners

Schweizerische Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung BFU; Rapp Trans AG

Project status

completed, 10/2021 - 03/2023

Funding partner

Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA / Strassen Brücken Tunnel SBT / Projekt Nr. MFZ_20_02A_01

Project budget

204'810 CHF