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A visual privacy label to increase trust in digital services


The project goal is to drive digital transformation by creating a communication tool for privacy policies, which puts the user perspective at the centre of its design. While the legal perspective (GDPR) cannot be neglected, we focus on transparency towards the user. We will create a visual label that provides the user with the most important information about the current mode of privacy. The modular label can be used in digital environments (websites, apps, etc.) to signal the current privacy settings to the user. This Privacy Label is not awarded by an institution but set up by the website provider through voluntary self-declaration. This will be sufficient for most users as it allows them to decide whether to continue using the service, reject it, or modify the terms of the policy according to their needs. The label therefore directly links to relevant paragraphs of the privacy policy which offers detailed information (e.g. about the purposes of data processing).

Key Data



Dr. Verena Lechner

Project status

completed, 01/2022 - 12/2022

Funding partner

ZHAW digital / Digital Futures Fund