Strengthening ORD competences in the Applied Sciences: Open Educational Resources for Swiss-AL
Recent developments of platforms for Open Research Data (ORD) have led to a high demand for training materials that enable researchers to successfully use FAIR data. That is particularly true for platforms offering access to large collections of language data and the application of data-driven and distant-reading methods that are not (yet) established in many non-linguistic disciplines. The following proposal builds on the language data platform Swiss Applied Linguistics (Swiss-AL), developed by the ZHAW Digital Discourse Lab and part of the CLARIN-CH ecosystem of linguistic infrastructures. We argue that a successfully implemented and sustainable ORD strategy needs to include the training and empowerment of the research community that is addressed by ORD resources. In the proposed project, we will develop open educational resources for Swiss-AL (OER) consisting of explanatory videos, statements by discipline specific testimonials, screencasts, and hands-on exercises. Resources will address selected target disciplines for language data. Based on exemplary research scenarios, the resources will show how Swiss-AL can be successfully used as an ORD resource outside (applied) linguistics. OER will be developed in collaboration with representatives of target disciplines and experts in media-based learning and design (LerNetz, FrameEleven). The resources will be integrated in Swiss-AL and into the CLARIN-CH infrastructure and published as OER.
Key Data
Project team
Oliver Amisegger, Matthias Fluor, Sooyeon Geckeler, Lynn Gerlach, Max Hemmo, Yvonne Klein, Dr. Dolores Lemmenmeier, Lilian Lüthi, Klaus Rothenhäusler
Project partners
frame eleven AG; LerNetz AG
Project status
completed, 01/2024 - 12/2024
Funding partner
Projektgebundene Beiträge / P-5 Open Science
Project budget
100'000 CHF