Interoperable solutions to streamline PED evolution and cross-sectoral integration (PEDvolution)
The PEDvolution solutions will design, process, optimise and strengthen the PEDs genotype- and/or phenotype. Whereas the genotype of a PED is its set of genetic material, built through a unique combination of Social-Technology-Interoperability-Market related aspects. The PED’s phenotype is the set of observable characteristics of the PED resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment (e.g. energy market, industry, mobility, (geo)politics).
Building on the latter methodological approach, an array of products, services and methodologies can be tailored for addressing and handling PED interaction and integration with inbound and outbound energy resources/systems across energy and non-energy sectors.
Key Data
Project team
Project partners
Inlecom Innovation Greece; Flemish Institute for Technological Research VITO; Smart Innovation Norway; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Sympraxis Team; OFFSET Energy d.o.o.; SWW Wunsiedel GmbH; ZukunftsEnergie Nordostbayern GmbH; Es-geht! Energiesysteme GmbH; Technische Universität Wien; Intracom Single Member SA Telecom Solutions; Elektro Gorenjska d.d.; Gorenjske elektrarne d.o.o.; Stadt Winterthur
Project status
ongoing, started 01/2024
Funding partner
Horizon Europe / Projekt Nr. 101138472
Project budget
529'938 CHF
Further documents and links
Entschlüsselung des Dekarbonierungsprozesses von Quartieren aus Betreiber- und FM-Sicht
2025 Haase, Matthias
Positive energy districts : fundamentals, assessment methodologies, modeling and research gaps
2024 Kozlowska, Anna; Guarino, Francesco; Volpe, Rosaria; Bisello, Adriano; Gabaldòn, Andrea; Rezaei, Abolfazl; Albert-Seifried, Vicky; Alpagut, Beril; Vandevyvere, Han; Reda, Francesco; Tumminia, Giovanni; Ranjbar, Saeed; Rincione, Roberta; Cellura, Salvatore; Eicker, Ursula; Zamini, Shokufeh; Balsategui, Sergio Diaz de Garayo; Haase, Matthias; Di Pilla, Lorenza
Operational insights and future potential of the database for positive energy districts
2024 Civiero, Paolo; Turci, Giulia; Alpagut, Beril; Kuzmic, Michal; Soutullo, Silvia; Sánchez, María Nuria; Seco, Oscar; Bossi, Silvia; Haase, Matthias; Massa, Gilda; Gollner, Christoph