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DigiLinguo: Overcoming language barriers in public institutions


Digilinguo is a platform that promotes sustainable practices in the use of digital translation and language tools, thus allowing for language barriers to be overcome in public institutions. Three channels will be created to help it in achieving this objective: 1) a test track for trying out and testing digital tools, 2) an online platform for the training of interpreting specialists and 3) meet-ups that facilitate the networking of stakeholders from the worlds of research, education and practice.

Key Data


Prof. Dr. Alice Delorme Benites, Prof. Dr. Sarah Ebling (Universität Zürich)

Project partners

Universität Zürich; Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik; Bhaasha Sàrl; Caritas Bern / Comprendi; Caritas Schweiz / Se Comprendre; Caritas Zentralschweiz / Dolmetschdienst Zentralschweiz

Project status

ongoing, started 01/2025

Funding partner

Digitalisierungsinitiative der Zürcher Hochschulen DIZH; ZHAW digital; Bhaasha Sàrl; Caritas Bern

Project budget

1'510'799 CHF