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Development of a user/visitor profile for the Lake Zurich Sustainability Centre

The preliminary project C ‘user/visitor profile’ analyses the stakeholders and target groups of the planned Schloss Au sustainability centre. The aim is to determine the expectations and needs of future users and visitors. The preliminary project thus makes an important contribution to the user-oriented development of the centre.


The Schloss Au conference centre, run by the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich), is a popular meeting place that is used for a variety of purposes. The conference centre is located in a nature reserve of cantonal importance (Au peninsula). There are plans to establish an educational sustainability and nature centre for educational institutions, companies and the general public at this location. The centre will focus on the topics of education and water. The project group consists of representatives from the PH Zurich, the ZHAW, WWF Zurich and the Pestalozzianum Foundation. Various preliminary projects have been initiated for the further development of the centre. The preliminary project C ‘visitor profile’ is concerned with analysing the stakeholders and target groups of the future centre.


The aim of the preliminary project is to empirically identify the relevant stakeholders and future users of the sustainability centre and to ascertain their expectations, needs and interests in relation to central components of the centre such as the nature centre and dialogue forum. The results serve as the basis for the development of a stakeholder model and communication solutions. In addition, the project forms an interface to the preliminary projects A and B, which deal with other individual components of the centre.


  • Development of a stakeholder model (stakeholder groups, target groups) for the sustainability centre.
  • Development of a method and questions to survey important expectations (needs/interests) in relation to the nature centre and dialogue forum
  • Carrying out the data collection (qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys)
  • Evaluation according to needs, interests, stakeholder groups and centre components
  • Merging the results with the impact models of the other preliminary projects

This preliminary project makes an important contribution to the strategic planning and user-oriented development of the Lake Zurich Sustainability Centre.

Key Data

Project team

Project partners

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich PHZH; WWF Schweiz; Stiftung Pestalozzianum

Project status

ongoing, started 06/2023

Funding partner

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich PHZH

Project budget

30'000 CHF