Accessible Teaching in Higher Education
The project aims to improve the accessibility of teaching at Swiss universities and to guarantee it in the long term. One of the main problems is the lack of awareness among responsible faculty and staff of the diversity needs of their students, which is why the development of an online training and short films to raise awareness is planned. Sensitization is only the first step, however; the catalog of measures therefore includes competence enhancement and innovation in education and training. Participation in the forum of P7 project participants will ensure the exchange of experiences with other universities.
Key Data
Prof. Dr. Rolf Sethe
Project team
Dr. Gerd Kortemeyer, Oriane Pierrès
Project partners
Universität Zürich; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich ETH
Project status
ongoing, started 09/2021
Funding partner
Projektgebundene Beiträge / P-7 Chancengleichheit und Hochschulentwicklung