– Application of new algorithms for automatic natural language translation into database query language SQL (NL-to-SQL)
The goal of this project is to apply the major algorithms developed in the EU-Project INODE (Intelligent Open Data Exploration, to Swiss Open Data. The focus is on developing multi-lingual extensions for so-called Natural Language to SQL systems (NL-to-SQL) where a natural language question is automatically translated into the database query language SQL using artificial intelligence solutions such as transformers, i.e. advanced neural networks. The main idea is to enable users to access databases with the major languages spoken in Switzerland.
Key Data
Project team
Patrick Arnecke, Philipp Bosch, Dr. Christine Chorat, Dr. Raphael Defondeville, Oleksii Haievskyi, Dr. Farhad Nooralahzadeh, Ellery Smith, Yi Zhang
Project partners
Bundesamt für Statistik BFS; Kanton Zürich / Statistisches Amt
Project status
completed, 12/2022 - 12/2023
Funding partner
Bundesamt für Statistik BFS
Project budget
280'000 CHF