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Debit cards are the preferred payment method in Switzerland

There are various forms to pay for a product or a service, be it cash, card or smartphone app. The Swiss Payment Monitor by the ZHAW has been examining the payment behaviour of Swiss people twice a year since 2018.

According to the most recent survey, debit cards are the most popular payment method in Switzerland. The long-term survey conducted jointly by the ZHAW and the University of St. Gallen monitors developments in the payment behaviour of the Swiss population. The survey carried out in the summer of 2023 revealed that a majority of transactions involved either a debit card (29 percent) or a credit card (16 percent). However, cash is far from dead, especially when it comes to small amounts under 20 Swiss francs. Cash payments decreased significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic, but this downward trend has since levelled off. Their share currently stands at 28 percent.